lib_ini_exper module

Routines for processing the experiment configuration.

lib_ini_exper.check_errors_ini_exper(data_dir, ini_folder, ini_stations, ini_sources, ini_delay_model, ini_media)[source]

Check experiment configuration for errors. Currently simply checking existence of paths and files.

data_dir : str
path to media folder.
ini_folder : str
path to experiment folder.
ini_stations : str
path to stations.ini (absolute).
ini_sources : str
path to sources.ini (absolute).
ini_delay_model : str
path to delay_model.ini (absolute).
ini_media : str
path to media.ini (absolute)
init_success : int
0 if errors, 1 otherwise.


Add more checks. Consider checking ini files syntax, range of values, etc.
lib_ini_exper.gen_delays_ini_file(file_stations_ini, params_array_stations, file_sources_ini, params_array_sources, file_delay_model_ini, params_array_delay_model, file_delays_ini, mjd_start, seconds_ref, tot_steps, step_seconds=1, seconds_offset=0, v=1)[source]

Generate file with delay polynomials from delay model.

file_stations_ini : str
path to stations.ini.
params_array_stations : list
configuration of stations.ini.
file_sources_ini : str
path to sources.ini.
params_array_sources : list
configuration of sources.ini.
file_delay_model_ini : str
path to delay_model.ini.
params_array_delay_model : list
configuration of delay_mode.ini.
file_delays_ini : str
path to delays.ini [will write].
mjd_start : int
MJD for the start of the scan.
seconds_ref : int
seconds in MJD for the start of the scan.
tot_steps : int
number of accumulation periods in the scan.
step_seconds : str(float)
accumulation period [s].
v : int
verbose if 1.
None if error, ini configuration to write if successful.
lib_ini_exper.get_num_partitions_red(one_baseline_per_task, accumulation_time, signal_duration, stations, auto_stations, max_num_channels, max_num_pols, v, file_log)[source]

Get number of reducers based on the experiment configuration.

one_baseline_per_task : int
[default 0] 0 for all baselines per task, 1 for single baseline per task.
accumulation_time : str(float)
accumulation period in seconds.
signal_duration : str(float)
signal duration in seconds.
stations : int
number of stations.
auto_stations : int
1 if compute autocorrelations, 0 otherwise.
max_num_channels : int
maximum number of channels per media file.
max_num_pol : int
maximum number of polarizations per media file.
v : int
verbose if 1.
file_log : file handler
handler to log file.
total_partitions : int
number of reducers.
This function is critical (together with the custom partitioner) to parallelize the
reduce phase and keep a well balanced load among the reducers.
lib_ini_exper.process_ini_correlation(params_array_corr, file_log, v=1)[source]

Process correlation.ini file.

list with correlation configuration.
handler for log file.
verbose if 1.
stations : int
number of stations.
fft_size : int
number of coefficients in DFT.
accumulation_time : str(float)
accumulation time in seconds.
windowing : str
window type to be applied before DFT.
mjd_start : int
MJD for the start of the scan.
seconds_start : int
number of seconds in MJD for the start of the scan.
seconds_duration : int
duration of the scan in seconds.
phase_calibration : int
1 if phase calibration tones will be extracted, 0 otherwise.
auto_stations : int
1 if compute autocorrelations, 0 otherwise.
auto_pols : int
1 if crosspolarizations (see
first_frame_num : int
[testing only] start reading after this frame id (-1 to read from first frame).
num_frames : int
[testing only] read this number of frames per second (-1 to read all frames)
num_pols : int
[testing only] default -1.
lib_ini_exper.process_ini_files(data_dir, ini_stations, ini_sources, ini_delay_model, ini_delays, ini_media, ini_correlation, one_baseline_per_task, v=1, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]

Process .ini files.

data_dir : str
path to folder with media files.
ini_stations : str
path to stations.ini.
ini_sources : str
path to sources.ini.
ini_delay_model : str
path to delay_model.ini.
ini_delays : str
path to delays.ini.
ini_media : str
path to media.ini.
ini_correlation : str
path to correlation.ini.
one_baseline_per_task : int
default 0.
v : int
verbose if 1.
file_log : file handler
handler for log file.
stations_serial_str : str
serialized version of stations.ini.
media_serial_str : str
serialized version of media.ini.
correlation_serial_str : str
serialized version of correlation.ini.
delays_serial_str : str
serialized version of delays.ini.
auto_stations : int
1 if compute autocorrelations, 0 otherwise.
auto_pols : int
1 if compute cross-polarization correlations, 2 if only same-polarization correlations (see
fft_size : int
requested number of coefficients in the FFT.
accumulation_time : str
integration period duration [s].
stations : int
number of stations (it will be used to compute number of mappers...).
ref_epoch : int
MJD for the start of the scan.
signal_start : int
seconds after MJD for the start of the scan.
signal_duration : float
duration of the scan [s].
input_files : list of str
filenames for media files.
first_frame_num : int
[default -1] This can be used to force the mapper to start reading frames after this id.
num_frames : int
[default -1] This can be used to force the mapper to read only this number of frames for each second.
codecs_serial : str
[default “0”] Serialized version of the codebook if using compression.
max_packet_size : int
number of bytes in the largest frame of the media files.
total_frames : int
number of frames in all the media files.
total_partitions : int
number of reducer tasks.
windowing : str
windowing as defined in correlation.ini.
phase_calibration : int
1 if extract phase calibration tones, 0 otherwise.
delay_error : None or str
None if no errors during delay computations, str with error otherwise.
error_str_v :
list of str with errors for media files not existing.
num_pols : int


Remove num_pols.
Remove vq.
lib_ini_exper.process_ini_media(params_array_media, data_dir, v, file_log)[source]

Process media.ini file.

params_array_corr : list
list with media configuration.
data_dir : str
folder with media files.
v : int
verbose if 1.
file_log : file handler
handler for log file.
v_stations : list of str
all stations ids corresponding to all the media files listed.
max_num_channels : int
maximum number of channels per media file.
max_num_pols : int
maximum number of polarizations per media file.
input_files : list of str
filenames for media files.
total_frames : int
total frames considering all media files.
max_packet_size : int
maximum frame size per media file.
error_str_v : list of str
errors on missing media files ([] if no errors).


Currently assuming that all the media files have frames with the same size.
Currently assuming that all the files listed are processed, and that there is a section for each
of the listed files.
lib_ini_exper.process_ini_stations(params_array_stations, v_stations)[source]

Process stations.ini file.

list with stations configuration.
list of str with all stations ids corresponding to all the media files listed (from media).
list of int with the ids corresponding to v_stations.