lib_ini_files module

Routines for generating/accessing the .ini files with the configuration of the scenario for the correlation.


Parameters and values are case sensitive!
Experiment files:
Every experiment requires the following files:
correation.ini: configuration of the correlation (start and end time, FFT length, etc.)
stations.ini: information about stations clocks (polynomials).
sources.ini: information about sources.
media.ini: information about media (input file names, formats, etc)
delay_model.ini: information aobut delay model (polynomials).

Additionally, the following file is generated during initialization:
delays.ini: re-processed polynomials for delay model.

Regarding initialization files

Initialization files follow this format: | | [section] | param: value
lib_ini_files.find_nearest_seconds(vector_seconds_ref, seconds_fr)[source]
Find second which is nearest to seconds_fr in delay param vector. In other words, find the timestamp
(start time) of the accumulation period to which the timestamp of the frame corresponds.
vector_seconds_ref : list of floats
seconds for delay information (start time polynomials).
seconds to be searched for in the previous item.
highest value lesser than the input number of seconds, or -1 if not found
lib_ini_files.get_all_params_serial(params_array, section)[source]

Retrieves list with all the parameters for a section.

params_array : list
list with configuration [created with serial_params_to_array()].
section : str
section to be looked up.
values : str
lists of strings corresponding to the parameters in the section.

Retrieves list with all the section names.

list with configuration [created with serial_params_to_array()].
list of strings with the names of all the sections in the ini file.
lib_ini_files.get_all_values_serial(params_array, param)[source]

Retrieves list with all the values of a paramter for all the section.

params_array : list
configuration [created with serial_params_to_array()].
param : str
parameter to be looked up through all sections.
list with strings with all the values corresponding to the requested paramter.
lib_ini_files.get_delay_cache(seconds_fr_nearest, pair_st_so, params_delays, cache_delays=[])[source]

Get the delays from the cache.

lib_ini_files.get_pair_st_so(st_id, so_id)[source]

Get string st<st_id>-so<so_id> (e.g. st0-so0).

st_id : int
station id.
so_id : int
source id.
pair_st_so : str
lib_ini_files.get_param_eq_vector(params_array, section, param, separator_values=':', modein='int')[source]

Returns the vector with the mapped values for the specified parameters.

params_array : list
configuration [created with serial_params_to_array()].
section : str
section to be looked up.
param : str
parameter to be looked up.
separator for values [SEP_VALUES from by default].
modein : str
selector of format for output: | “int” : convert values in output list to integer. | else: return output list as is (strings).
equivalent vector with indices reported at the first sections of the ini file.


Given the file media.ini:
CH2 = 1
CH1 = 0
L = 0
R = 1
polarizations = L:R:L:R
channels = CH1:CH1:CH2:CH2
station = At
[0, 1, 0, 1]
lib_ini_files.get_param_serial(params_array, section, param)[source]

Retrieves value given an array with parameters, the filename and the parameter.

params_array : list
configuration [created with serial_params_to_array()].
section : str
section to be looked up.
param : str
parameter to be looked up.
value : str
value corresponding to requested section and param.


>>> value = get_param_serial(params_array,’VF-0.vt’,’channels’)
>>> print(value)
lib_ini_files.get_param_total(params_array, section, param, separator_values=':')[source]

Returns the number of different values for a parameter. This is e.g. for getting the number of polarizations in a media.ini file for a station.

params_array : list
configuration [created with serial_params_to_array()].
section : str
section to be looked up.
param : str
parameter to be looked up.
separator for values [SEP_VALUES from by default].
total : int
number of different values separated by separator_vaules.


>>> tot = get_param_total(params_array,’VF-0.vt’,’Channels’)
>>> print(tot)
lib_ini_files.get_rates_cache(seconds_fr_nearest, pair_st_so, params_delays, cache_rates=[])[source]
Get rates from delays.ini. It allows to keep a cache (currently only one element) to
reduce the number of look-ups.
lib_ini_files.get_section_delay_model(params_array, mjd_in, seconds, source_id_in, station_id_in, v=0)[source]

Get section from delay model ini file.

params_array : list
information from delay model ini file (see
MJD for the start of the experiment.
number of seconds for the start of the experiment.
source_id_in : int
source identifier in sources ini file.
station_id_in : int
stations identifier in stations ini file.
v : int
0 by default, 1 for verbose mode.
section_found : str
section found in the delay model ini file, otherwise “”.
start_s : int
seconds for this section.


Move to
lib_ini_files.get_val_vector(params_array, section, param)[source]

Returns vector with list of values.

params_array : list
configuration [created with serial_params_to_array()].
section : str
string with section to be looked up.
param : str
parameter to be looked up.

Given the file media.ini:
sidebands = U:U:U:U
[‘U’, ‘U’, ‘U’, ‘U’]

Get seconds corresponding to elements in delays.ini.

vector_params_delay : str
serialized representation of the delay model ini file.
sv : list of floats
seconds for delay information (start time polynomials).

Converts string with serialized configuration file into array.

read_str : str
serialized configuration [created with serialize_config()].
files_param : list of lists
list of lists based on serialized configuration.


>>> params_array=serial_params_to_array(serial_str)
>>> print(params_array)
[[‘VF-0.vt’, ‘polarizations/L:R:L:R’, ‘station/At’, ‘channels/0:0:1:1’], [‘VF-1.vt’, ‘polarizations/L:R:L:R’, ‘station/At’, ‘channels/0:0:1:1’]]

Converts configuration file into string.

sources_file : str
name of initialization [.ini] file (e.g.: media.ini, stations.ini, delays.ini, etc.)
serial_str : str
serialized contents of initialization file.
Format configuration:



Avoid use of reserved separators from list of file if existing
E.g.: list of files separated with commas
file1,file2 -> file1:file2


>>> serial_str=serialize_config()
>>> print(serial_str)