lib_hadoop_hdfs module¶
Functions for starting and stopping hadoop, and for sending files to HDFS (or copying files to Lustre).
(wait_time, hadoop_conf_dir, hadoop_dir, file_slaves, temp_dir, username, temp_log, single_node=0, use_lustre_plugin=0, v=0, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]¶ Start hadoop. It returns the number of active nodes after initialization.
- wait_time : int
- time [s] to wait after each command sent to Hadoop.
- hadoop_conf_dir : str
- Hadoop configuration folder path [hadoop_home/etc/hadoop].
- hadoop_dir : str
- Hadoop home folder path.
- file_slaves : str
- Path to Hadoop slaves file.
- temp_dir : str
- Path to temporary folder path
- username : str
- user name (to be used to login into slave nodes through ssh).
- temp_log : str
- Path to temporary log file.
- single_node : int
- If 1 will only delete temporary folders on current machine (master), if 0 on all (master and slaves)
- use_lustre_plugin : int
- 1 for Lustre filesystem, 0 for HDFS.
- v : int
- 1 for verbose.
- file_log : str
- Path to log file.
- int_t_nodes : int
- (t_nodes) number of nodes up and running in the Hadoop cluster.
Summary:1. Delete temporary files (otherwise there may be problems with previous process IDs...).2. Format HDFS (in the future the hadoop service may be running continuously to avoid initialization for every correlation...).3. Start HDFS.4. Start YARN.5. Check running processes.
(wait_time, hadoop_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, temp_log, timeout=-1, v=0, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]¶ Stop hadoop.
- wait_time : int
- Time [s] to wait after each command sent to Hadoop.
- hadoop_dir : str
- Hadoop home folder path.
- hadoop_conf_dir : str
- Hadoop configuration folder path [hadoop_home/etc/hadoop].
- temp_log : str
- Path to temporary log file.
- timeout : int
- If >0 will terminate Hadoop stop command after “timeout” seconds.
- v : int
- 1 for verbose.
- file_log : str
- Path to log file.
N/ASummary:-Stop YARN.-Stop DFS.-Wait “wait_time” seconds for termination.
(replication, input_files, data_dir, data_dir_tmp, hadoop_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, hdfs_data_dir, packets_per_hdfs_block, temp_log, copy_delay=0, checksum_size=100, text_mode=1, use_lustre_plugin=0, lustre_prefix='/nobackup1/ajva/hadoop', bm_avoid_copy=0, v=0, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]¶ Copy files from local directories to HDFS. It returns the elapsed time for moving the files (including the applied delay).
- replication : int
- Number of copies of the same file block in the HDFS system.
- input_files : list of str
- names of the files to be moved into HDFS/LustreFS.
- data_dir : str
- Path (in local filesystem) to the folder hosting the files to be moved into HDFS/LustreFS.
- data_dir_tmp : str
- Path (in local filesystem) to the folder for copy split input data before being moved into HDFS/LustreFS.
- hadoop_dir : str
- Hadoop home folder path (local filesystem).
- hadoop_conf_dir : str
- Hadoop configuration folder path (etc/hadoop).
- hdfs_data_dir : str
- Path (in HDFS/LustreFS), thus relative to “lustre_prefix”, to host input files.
- packets_per_hdfs_block : int
- Number of VDIF frames per file split.
- temp_log : str
- Path to temporary log file.
- copy_delay : int
- Time [s] to wait after each command sent to Hadoop.
- checksum_size : int
- Number of bytes for checksum (for each split) [this overrides automatic calculation].
- text_mode : int
- [default 1] If 1 use checksum_size to override value computed automatically.
- use_lustre_plugin : int
- If 1 use Lustre filesysm.
- lustre_prefix : str
- Path in Lustre to preceed “hdfs_data_dir” if using Lustre.
- bm_avoid_copy : int
- [default 0] If 1 it will not split input files if “lustre_prefix”+”hdfs_data_dir” has already the data
- for the file in “input_files” from a previous execution. See notes below.
- v : int
- 1 for verbose.
- file_log : str
- Path to log file.
- put_t_s : float
- timestamp with start time for loop copying files.
- put_t_e : float
- timestamp with stop time for loop copying files.
- put_d : float
- total execution time for loop copying files.
Summary:-Delete existing files in HDFS (to avoid errors on existing files)TODO: consider overwritting files.-Wait for delay if applicable.-Move files to HDFS (with specified block size)2015.12.1. packet_size is read from the first frame of the file.Notes:-Regarding filesystems:HDFS: Path inside Hadoop distributed filesystem (accessible from Hadoop).LustreFS: Path relative to Hadoop Lustre home folder (accessible from Hadoop).Local filesystem: Path accesible from this command, it can be local, NFS, Lustre, etc.-Regarding “bm_avoid_copy”:Always 0 by default.After each execution, for each processed file there will be a folder in “lustre_prefix”+”hdfs_data_dir”+”file_name”+... withthe splits for that file. Setting this to 1 will avoid to re-split the file if it was already used previously. Use onlyfor repeated benchmarking.
(simply_copy_local, file_group, files, source_dir, conf_dir, destination_dir, nodes, temp_log, v=0, exec_permission=0, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, username='hduser', force_node='')[source]¶ Copy configuration and application files to nodes.
- simply_copy_local : int
- If 1 it will only copy app and config files to the specified folder for the current machine.If 0, it will distribute the app and config files to the rest of the nodes via ssh.
- file_group : str
- identifier for this batch of files, only for reporting.
- source_dir
- path to folder with the files that will be distributed.
- files
- list of files (relative to the “source_dir” folder”).
- destination_dir
- path to destination folder in the remote machines (thise in “nodes”).
- conf_dir
- path to folder that includes the file “nodes”.
- nodes
- filename (relative to “conf_dir”) with one machine per line.
- temp_log
- handler for intermediate file (buffer) for system calls.
- v
- verbose if 1.
- exec_permission
- if 1 it will give execution permissions to the distributed files.
- file_log
- handler for log file.
- username : str
- user name (to be used to login into slave nodes through ssh).
- force_node : str
- if not “”, it will only send the files to this node (“force_node”).
0TO DO:(!) It will delete ipython-notebook lines. Need to add this as an option, or add another configuration option for third-party sources.
(filename='')[source]¶ - Remove the first line which the iPython notebook adds to the .py files, since
- files that do not begin with #!/usr/bin/env python may raise errors in hadoop.
- filename
- path to python script.
(conf_dir, hadoop_conf_dir, file_nodes, file_slaves, file_masters, max_slaves=0, master_is_slave=0, v=0, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]¶ Convert list of nodes (obtained by slurm or by local script) into hadoop slaves file.
- conf_dir
- path to folder where master and slaves files are copied to.
- hadoop_conf_dir
- path to folder where masters and slaves files are created.
- file_nodes
- filename for file with all nodes in the allocation (master+slaves), one node per line.
- file_slaves
- filename for Hadoop slave nodes file.
- file_masters
- filename for Hadoop master node file.
- max_slaves
- maximum number of slave nodes.
- master_is_slave
- if 1 include master node in list of slave nodes.
- v
- verbose if 1.
- file_log
- handler for log file.
N/ATO DO:Remove hadoop_conf_dir (check correct folder).
(list_configurations, pairs_config, templates_dir, conf_dir, v=0, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]¶ Process a set of Hadoop configuration files (core-site.xml, etc).
- list_configurations
- list of headers in configuration file associated to “pairs_config” below.
- pairs_config
- list of lists of pairs [[(param0,value0),(param1,value1),...]] to update xml files.
- templates_dir
- path to folder with Hadoop .xml file templates.
- v
- verbose if 1.
- file_log
- handler for log file.
- configuration_files
- list of str with filenames of processed configuration files.
(pairs, conf_dir, templates_dir, v=0, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]¶ Process hadoop configuration file.
- pairs
- list (by file) of lists (param,value) for overriding Hadoop configuration files.
- conf_dir
- path to folder for placing modified Hadoop configuration files.
- templates_dir
- path to folder with templates for Hadoop configuration files.
- v
- verbose if 1.
- file_log
- handler for log file.
- processed_filename
- filename of the processed file.
TO DOCurrently assuming that the filename is the first value in the list (i.e. [0][1]),need to use C_CONF_H_ALL_CONFIG_FILE instead
(source_file, destination_file, pairs, v=0, file_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>)[source]¶ Update parameter for hadoop configuration file.
- source_file
- Template for Hadoop xml configuration file.
- destination_file
- Final Hadoop xml configuration file (template with mods applied).
- pairs
- list of pairs [parameter, value]. See notes below.
- v
- verbose if 1.
- file_log
- handler for log file.
N/AIf the parameter already exists in the file, its value is overriden.If the parameter does not exist, it is added following the required format (Hadoop xml).That is, given a list of pairs [PARAMETER,VALUE]<configuration><property><name>PARAMETER</name><value>VALUE</value></property>...</configuration>