lib_fx_stack module¶
CorrelX FX correlation and samples-stack routines.
(F1, fft_size, windowing, dtype_complex, F_frac=[], F_fs=[], F_refs=[], freq_channel=0, F_first_sample=[], F_rates=[], F_pcal_fix=[], F_side=[], F_ind=[], F_lti=[])[source]¶ Compute FFTs for all stations (all-baselines-per-task mode), and correct for fractional sample correction (linear phase).
- F1
- list of stored samples (corresponding actually to F1_partial). Each element of the list is a numpy array
- with the complex samples in the time domain, with a number of samples that is a multiply of the FFT length.
- fft_size : int
- number of coefficients in the FFT.
- windowing : str
- shape of the window before FFT, currently ‘square’ by default.
dtype_complex: type of data for initialization of the rotators. F_frac
fractional and integer offsets applied at the mapper (acces via F_refs).- F_fs
- sampling frequency for each stream in F1.
- F_refs
- indices to acces F_frac etc based on F_ind, i.e. from stored to new.
- freq_channel
- sky frequency.
- F_first_sample
- first sample number (actually last sample number plus one, it has to be corrected by subtracting the number of samples in F1.
- F_rates
- delay information for each of the streams (access via F_refs).
- F_pcal_fix
- offset for pcal accumulation results (due to the initial offset applied in the mapper). Later the pcal
- signals will be realigned as if no delay was applied to them.
- F_side
- list of single side band side for each stream, ‘l’ LSB or ‘u’ USB (access via F_refs).
- F_ind
- list of station-polarization identifiers corresponding to the streams in F1 (this actually corresponds
- to F1_ind_partial.
- F1_fft
- list of array of arrays with FFTs with rotations applied.
- None
- [unused] previously outputing the conjugate of F1_fft, removed for efficiency.
- F_adj_shift_partial_out
- [unused] previously used to keep track of the number of samples to
- add/drop due to fractional sample overflows, superseded for F_frac_over.
- F_adj_shift_pcal_out
- [unused] previously used to keep track of the number of samples to
- roll the phase calibration results prior to FFT them, superseded for F_pcal_fix_out.
- F_pcal_fix_out
- list with number of samples to roll the pcal streams prior to FFT them.
- F_first_sample_out
- first sample for each stream (actually last sample number plus one).
Procedure:For each element in F1:1. Create an array of arrays with the FFTs of the samples grouped into arrays of fft_size samples.2. Create a frequency scale of fft_size (linear from 0 to (n-1)/n).3a. If the computations have already been done for the same station, take the results.3b. Otherwise:Compute delay for the first sample, then fractional part of this delay, then scale frequency scale, then exponential.Rotate the FFT using the previous rotator.References:[Th04] p363TO DO:Detail where in the FFT the fractional sample for the rotator is evaluated.Check correction to phase in p363.
(F1_partial, F_ind_partial, F1, fft_size, windowing, acc_mat, count_acc, normalize_after_compute=False, F_ind=None, last_F_ind=None, n_sp=0, failed_acc_count=0, dismissed_acc_count=0, scaling_pair='A.A', dtype_complex=<class 'complex'>, acc_pcal=None, pre_pcal=None, n_bins_pcal=0, count_acc_pcal=0, phase_calibration=None, bypass_fx=0, F_delays=[], F_rates=[], F_fs=[], freq_channel=0.0, F_first_sample=[], F_first_sample_partial=[], F_frac=[], block_time=0.0, F_adj_shift_partial=[], F_stack_shift=[], F_adj_shift_pcal=[], F_stack_shift_pcal=[], F_pcal_fix=[], F_side=[], F_lti=[])[source]¶ - Fringe rotation, FFTs, fractional sample correction for all station-polarizations, and
- cross multiplication and accumulation for all baseline (all-baselines-per-task-mode)
- F1_partial
- list of previously stored samples.
- F_ind_partial
- station-polarization identifiers for the elements of F1_partial.
- F1
- new samples.
- fft_size
- number of coefficients fo the FFT.
- windowing
- shape of window prior to FFT (square by default).
- acc_mat
- accumulation matrix with provisional results (see compute_x_all for acc_mat description).
- count_acc
- number of accumulations performed so far.
- normalize_after_compute
- whether or not to normalize the results (to be activated in the last call in the integration period).
- F_ind
- station-polarization identifiers for the elements of F1.
- last_F_ind
- saved value of F_ind in the previous iteration.
- n_sp
- number of station-polarizations.
- failed_acc_count
- counter with number of failed accumulations.
- dismissed_acc_count
- counter with number of dismissed accumulations.
- scaling_pair
- mode of operation: “A.A” for all-baselines-per-task (default).
- dtype_complex
- complex type used for initialization of numpy arrays.
- acc_pcal
- provisional results for accumulated phase calibration.
- pre_pcal
- stored samples to be used in accumulation of phase calibration.
- n_bins_pcal
- number of samples for the windows to be accumulated for the pcal signal.
- count_acc
- number of accumulations performed previously during this integration period.
- phase_calibration
- whether or not to extract phase calibration tones.
- bypass_fx
- if 1, it will not do computations for cross-multiplication and accumulation.
- F_delays
- [unused] absolute delays for each of the streams in F1.
- F_rates
- delay information for each of the streams in F1.
- F_fs
- sampling frequency for each of the streams in F1.
- freq_channel
- sky frequency.
- F_first_sample
- first sample for each of the streams in F1.
- F_first_sample_partial
- first sample for each of the streams in the stored samples.
- F_frac
- fractional and integer sample delay for each of the streams in F1.
- block_time
- time for the current accumulation period.
- F_adj_shift_partial
- [unused] previously used to keep track of the samples to add/drop due to fractional sample
- correction overflow (now using F_frac_over).
- F_stack_shift
- [unused] previously used to keep track of the samples added/droped due to fractional sample
- correction (now using F_frac_over).
- F_adj_shift_pcal
- [unused] previously used to keep track of the samples to roll in the pcal signal.
- F_stack_shift_pcal
- [unused] equivalent to F_stack_shift for pcal.
- F_pcal_fix
- number of samples to roll in the pcal accumuled signal.
- F_side
- single side band side corresponding to the streams in F1.
- F_lti
- list of last, total, invalid samples for each stream
All output variables are udpated versions of those use as input, see procedure below for details. | acc_mat | count_acc | count_sub_acc | n_sp | last_F_ind | failed_acc_count | dismissed_acc_count | F1_partial | F_ind_partial | acc_pcal | pre_pcal | count_acc_pcal | F_first_sample_partial | F_adj_shift_partial | F_stack_shift | F_adj_shift_pcal | F_stack_shift_pcal | F_pcal_fix_out | F_ltiProcedure:All-stations-per-tasks:1. Concatenate samples (list of np arrays) for phase calibration computations.2. Check for overflow in fractional sample correction in new samples.3. Correct overflow in fractional sample correction (adding/dropping the required samples) in new samples.4. Concatenate new samples into stored samples.5. If possible separate the stored samples into two parts: the first part with a number of samples that is a multipleof the fft size, and the remained in the second part.6. Correct fringe rotation, FFT, correct fractional sample delay and cross-multiply, results go to accumulation matrix.7. Leave unprocessed samples in F1_partial (stored samples).Conventions:failed accumulation: an accumulation is considered failed if the elements for the new samples do not match those stored.dismissed accumulation: an accumulation is considered dismissed if it is not computed becaused there are not enough samples.variables ending in *_partial correspond to stored samples.F_refs is used to point to new samples when iterating through stored samples. Note that F1, F_frac, so e.g.F_ind[F_refs[i]]==F_ind_partial[i] for i in range(F_ind_partial).Configuration for trade-off performance vs. memory requirements:Use the variable COMPUTE_FOR_SUB_ACC_PERIOD in to configure the number of times the new samples are simplystored without further computation. E.g. if =100, computations will be by-passed 99 out 100 times before the endof the integration period. This allows to take advantage of increased efficiency with long numpy arrays, and alsoto avoid some repeated computations in fringe_rotation() and compute_f_all().Limitations:Curently number of bins for pcal has to be the same for all stations.TO DO:Add support for different numbers of bins?Check if not(not_enough_data):, may be problematic with samples left out.
(F1_fft, F2_fft, count_acc, acc_mat, index_scaling_pair=-1, dtype_complex=<class 'complex'>)[source]¶ Compute multiply-accumulate for all baselines (all-baselines-per-task-mode)
- F1_fft : list of np arrays of arrays
- FFTs (left term).
- F2_fft : list of np arrays of arrays with
- FFTs (right term)If None, then it will take the conjugate of F1_fft.
- count_acc
- number of accumulations performed previously during this integration period.
- acc_mat
- accumulation matrix with results accumulated during this integration period.
- index_scaling_pair
- -1 for all-baselines-per-task mode, positive integer for other modes.
- dtype_complex
- type to initialize accumulation matrix.
- acc_mat
- accumulation matrix with the new results accumulated (3D numpy array with one row (and one column)
- per station-polarization, and fft_size layers/pages with the results of the accumulation
- for each pair). Note that the first two dimensions of the matrix are upper triangular, with the auto-correlations in the main diagonal.
- count_acc
- total number of accumulation performed including those in this call.
- count_sub_acc
- number of accumulation performed only in this call.
- n_sp
- number of station-polarizations (that is also the number of rows/columns of the matrix.
TO DO:Add counters for invalid data.
(F_partial, fft_size_multiple)[source]¶ Function to migrate functionality from np arrays to list of arrays (for delay correction...). It divides an array into two, one of them with rows of length fft_size_multiple, the other with the remainder.
- F_partial : list of numpy arrays
- samples in the time domain, with no rotation applied yet, and wherein each of its elements may have a different length.
- fft_size_multiple : int
- maximum integer multiple of fft_size that is lesser than the length of the shortest element of F_partial.
- F_partial_out
- F_partial (input) truncated to the ff_size_multiple first elements.
- F_partial_rem
- Remainder of removing F_partial_out from F_partial.
(F1, F_frac_over_ind, F_ind, F_first_sample)[source]¶ Add or drop samples for overflow in fractional sample correction based on info from get_frac_over_ind().
- F1
- list of vectors with new data.
- F_frac_over
- structure obtained in get_frac_over_ind() with locations of samples to be added/dropped.
- F_ind
- list of stpols corresponding to F1 (only for logging).
- F_first_sample
- list of first sample number to F1 (only for logging).
- F1
- modified list of vectors with new data.
(F1, F_first_sample, F_rates, freq_channel, F_fs, F_delays, F_refs, block_time, F_frac, F_adj_shift_partial, F_side, F_ind, F_lti)[source]¶ Fringe rotation correction (previously doppler_correction()).
- F1 : list
- list with stored samples to be processed, which number of samples is an integer multiple of the fft length.
- F1_first_sample : list
- list with first sample (integer) corresponding to the samples in F1.
- F_rates : list
- list with the delay information for the latest data received. Note that if follows a different ordering as F1 here,
- and thus its elements has to be accessed through F_refs.
- freq_channel : float
- sky frequency [Hz].
- F_fs : list
- list with the sampling frequency corresponding to the samples in F1 (access through F_refs).
- F_delays
- [unused] absolute delays of the streams in F1 (access through F_refs).
- F_refs : list
- list of indices for accessing F_rates, F_fs, etc (those filled in update_stored_samples()).
- block_time
- time corresponding to this accumulation period (unused).
- F_frac
- fractional and integer delay corresponding to F1 (access through F_refs).
- F_adj_shift_partial
- [unused] previously, list with information on added/dropped samples based on fractional sample correction
- overflows, currently unused.
- F_side : list
- list with sideband for each of the streams in F1 (‘l’ for LSB, ‘u’ for USB) (access through F_refs).
- F_ind : list
- list of station identifiers in the format used in the key (e.g. 0.0, 0.1)
- F1
- F1 (input) with applied rotations if required.
- F_first_sample
- list with updated first samples (added number of samples in each element of F1).
Configuration for trade-off performance vs. precision:There are three main modes, configuration in -> Min. precision, Max. performance: only a phase rotation is applied, based on the delay computed forthe first sample.FULL_TIMESCALE=1 (default) -> Max. precision, Min. performance: a frequency shift is applied with a complete rotator, that is,delays are computed for all the samples.FULL_TIMESCALE=2 -> Trade-off solution: delay is computed for the first and last sample, and a linear interpolation isdone for obtaining the rest of delays.Approximations:For modes FULL_TIMESCALE 1 and 2, the time scale array is computed only once, assuming the same sampling frequency forall the streams.The processing currently performed in a loop iterating over the streams in F1, that should be sorted. Given this, for eachstream, it is checked if the previous processed stream corresponded to the same station, and if so, the previous rotatorsare used.Debugging:Activate DEBUG_DELAYS for tabulated output of the delay computations.References:[Th04] p172-173TO DO:F_fs: assuming single sampling frequencyBring configuration constants to configuration files.Delete unused arguments.Check if necessary to apply fractional offsets.
(clock_diff, poly_diff, seconds_ref_clock, delay_rate_ref, timescale, seconds_offset, n_samples, sideband, last_n_samples, str_st, last_str_st, data_type, last_data_type, first_iteration, freq_channel, fs, F1_i, nr, rotation)[source]¶ Worker for fringe rotation, see fringe_rotation() for more details.
(x)[source]¶ Get exponential based on fractional part of input, see Output below for details.
x : numpy array of float.- y : 1D numpy array of complex
- complex rotation (exponential of 2*j*pi*fractional_part(x))
- nr : bool
- do not rotate (1 if all elements in y are 1, 0 otherwise)
Precision:Integer part is removed to avoid problems with precision, rotation (j2pi).Approximations:-numpy.exp is not called in the trivial cases.-IMPORTANT!: For arrays of more than 1 element, if the first, second and last elements are equal to zero, thenall the elements are assumed to be zero too. Need to replace this by some check on the polynomial.
(F_first_sample, F1, F_rates, F_fs, F_ind, F_side)[source]¶ Get locations of samples to be added/dropped due to fractional bit shift.
- F_first_sample
- list with the first sample number for each vector of data.
- F1
- list of vectors with new data for each stpol (only lengths are read).
- F_rates
- model/clock delay information for computing delays.
- F_fs
- sampling frequency for each vector with new data.
- F_ind
- list with identifiers for stations (for logging).
- F_side
- list with sidebands
- F_frac_over_ind
- list of [number_of_samples_to_be_added_or_dropped,[list_of_locations_for_these_changes]] for each element in F1.
Algorithm:Compute integer+fractional sample delay at both extremes of the vector with data, then find intersectionwith changes in fractional delay (given a fractional sample correction between 0 and 1, it checks for crossing at 0.5).Debugging:Activate DEBUG_FRAC_OVER for tabulated output of the fractional overflow corrections.TO DO:Add support for multiple samples.
(x)[source]¶ Get a single complex rotator from a list of rotators.
x : list of complex.- rotator
- product of the elements in x.
TO DO: consider removing, devised to apply many rotators, but no longer needed.
(sideband, data_type, freq_channel, fs, r_recalc)[source]¶ Compute vector ‘x’ with values that will go into e^j(2.pi.x) to be used in fringe rotation.
- sideband : char {‘L’,’U’}
- ‘L’ for LSB, ‘U’ for USB.
- datatype : char {‘c’,’r’}
- ‘c’ for complex samples, ‘r’ for real samples.
- freq_channel : float
- channel frequency [Hz] as in configuration file.
- fs : float
- sampling frequency [Hz].
- r_recalc : 1D np.array of float
- delay values.
- val : 1D np.array of float
- results.
Configuration:Enable USE_NE_FRINGE for using numexpr, and if so, configure THREADS_NE for multithreading.TO DO:This should be checked.Case USB complex not tested yet.
(F1_partial, F_ind_partial, F_ind, F1, F_adj_shift_partial, F_stack_shift, F_lti_in, F_first_sample, mode_str='', F_frac_over_ind=[])[source]¶ Concatenation of new samples with previously saved.
- F1_partial
- previously saved samples.
- F_ind_partial
- identifiers for each row of saved samples.
- F_ind
- identifiers for rows of new samples.
- F1
- new samples.
- F_adj_shift_partial
- [unused] previously used for keeping track of the number of samples to add/drop, superseded by F_frac_over.
- F_refs
- indices for F1 based on F1_partial, used for other lists obtained in update_stored_samples(): (F_delay,F_rates,etc).
- F_stack_shift
- [unused] previously used to keep track of added/dropped samples.
- F_lti
- list with last sample (l), total number of samples processed (t), invalid samples (i), and adjuted samples for each stream.
- F_adj_shift_partial
- number of samples that have to be adjusted
- F_first_sample
- list with first sample corresponding to the streams in F1.
- mode_str
- “f” for normal operation model, “pcal” for saving the samples for phase calibration.
- F_frac_over
- list with the number of positions of the samples added/dropped due to fractional sample correction overflow,
- see get_frac_over_ind() and fix_frac_over() for more details.
- F1_partial_out
- F1_partial with samples from F1 added.
- F_ind_partial_out
- station-polarization identifiers for the streams in F1_partial_out (same format as in keys).
- F_refs_out
- indices to F_frac etc structures based on F1_partial.
- F_stack_shift_out
- [unused] previously used to keep track of added/dropped samples.
- F_lti_out
- F_lti updated.
- F1_out
- Emtpy list of arrays.
Procedure:If there are stored samples, iterate over list of stored samples:1. [currently disabled] Add zero padding if first sample does not match the expected first sample number.2. Concatenate new samples (accesed at F1 via F_ref) with stored samples.Otherwise initialize structures and store new samples.Approximations:-Zero-padding currently disabled, new samples are simply stored. This due to the need to debug yet the offsets in theupdate of added/dropped samples from fix_frac_over(). Although these numbers are obtained in the mapper, there maybe invalid frames that thus leave a gap.-It is not checked if the first sample number is lesser than the last sample stored, but this should not be necessary.Debugging:Activate DEBUG_HSTACK for tabulated output of the concatenations.TO DO:Group repeated code, and create functions for managing F_lti.
(accu_prod, v1fft, v2fft)[source]¶ [Only used in one-baseline-per-task mode.] Multiply and accumulate two ffts (one for each station).
(acc_mat, count_acc, using_autocorrs=1)[source]¶ Normalice results in accumulation matrix.
- acc_mat
- accumulation matrix (see compute_x_all for the definition of the matrix).
- count_acc
- number of accumulations.
- using_autocorrs
- 1 by default, normalization using auto-correlations.
- acc_mat_out
- normalized accumulation matrix.
Known issues:Need to check scaling.TO DO:Take into account valid samples!
(F1)[source]¶ Get the minimum and maximum length of the elements of F1.
F1 : list of numpy 1D arrays.- shortest_row
- length of the shortest element in F1.
- longest_row
- length of the longest element in F1.
(v1_dequant, fft_size, windowing, flatten_chunks=1, dtype_complex=<class 'complex'>, rfft_data_type='c')[source]¶ Apply window and do FFT of set of samples, to be grouped into chunks of FFT size.
- v1_dequant
- numpy arrays with complex samples in the time domain (fringe rotation already applied to them).
- fft_size
- number of coefficients in the FFT.
- windowing
- shape of the window to be applied prior to FFT, square by default.
- flatten_chunks
- 1 if one-baseline-per-task mode, otherwise all-baselines-per-task.
- dtype_complex
- complex type to be used in initialization of arrays.
- rfft_data_type
- [unused] initially devised to use rfft, currently not used.
- v1_fft
- numpy array of arrays, with as many rows as the ratio between number of samples and fft_size (forced to
- be integer), and as many columns of fft_size.
Performance:Using scipy fft, which yielded the highest performance on preliminary benchmarking with single thread reducer.PyFFTW implemented, but needs to be tested and benchmarked.**TO DO: **Add a more elegant implementation for windowing, and add more windows.Currently no windowing by default, may need to migrate functionality from this to windowing modes.