rsvf module¶
- Reducer: performs VLBI correlation from a text file with the lines for all the stations,
- sorted as defined in based on the key and format defined in msvf.get_pair_str().
See lib_mapredcorr.get_reducer_params_str()
See rsvf.get_lines_out_for_all() for visibilities. See rsvf.get_lines_stats() for statistics.
(vector_split_samples, vector_split_encoding)[source]¶ Decode base64.
- vector_split_samples
- string with the samples (that is a component of the list vector_split).
- vector_split_encoding
- compression (VQ) encoding, disabled by default.
- out: 1D numpy array
- samples (components if complex), packed in binary format (uint8). Samples still need to be “dequantized”.
(vector_split)[source]¶ Get paramters from line header (header of the data, not part of the key).
- vector_split : str
- second part of the header with all the parameters provided by the mapper,
- associated to the samples to be processed.
- bits_per_sample
- number of bits for each component of the sample.
- block_first_sample
- accumulation period. TO DO: check this.
- data_type
- sample type, ‘r’ for real, ‘c’ for complex.
- encoding
- [unused] initially used for introducing compression in the data (VQ), currently not used.
- encoding_width
- [unused] also associated to compression.
- n_bins_pcal
- number of samples for the windows to be accumulated for the pcal signal.
- num_samples
- number of samples in this line.
- abs_delay
- absolute delay.
- rate_delay
- delay information corresponding these samples (polynomials, etc).
- fs
- sampling frequency.
- fs_pcal
- [unused] phase calibration signal frequency spacing.
- freq_channel
- sky frequency.
- first_sample
- first sample number (integer starting at 0).
- fractional_sample_delay
- fractional sample delay corresponding to the sample 0 of this stream.
- accumulation_time
- time duration of the integration period.
- shift_delay
- integer number of samples offset for the sample 0 of this stream.
- sideband
- single side band side, ‘l’ for LSB, ‘u’ for USB.
Conventions:See for constants positions and descriptions.
(char_type, F_ind_s0, F_ind_s1, acc_str)[source]¶ Get key for reducer output.
- char_type : char
- operation mode (see split_input_line())
- F_ind_s0
- first station-polarization for this baseline.
- F_ind_s1
- second station-polarization for this baseline.
- acc_str : str
- multi-key for output line.
- output : str
- key for output line.
(char_type, n_sp, F_ind, current_acc_str, count_acc, acc_mat, current_block_first_sample, current_vector_split, acc_pcal, count_acc_pcal, scaling_pair='A.A')[source]¶ Get output lines for all results in accumulation matrix.
- char_type
- operation mode (see split_input_line()).
- n_sp
- number of station-polarizations.
- F_ind
- structure with ids for station-polarizations.
- current_acc_str
- multi-key
- count_acc
- number of accumulations for the visibilities.
- acc_mat : complex 3D array
- visibilities for all baselines for this acc period and band. See lib_fx_stack.compute_x_all() for more info.
- current_block_first_sample
- <first_sample>.<channel_index>.
- current_vector_split
- metadata as in the input line.
- acc_pcal : complex 2D array
- phase calibration results for all stations for this acc period and band. See lib_pcal.accumulate_pcal_all() for more info.
- count_acc_pcal
- number of accumulations for the phase calibration results.
- scaling_pair
- station-polarization for this task (used in linear-scaling, “A.A” by default (all-baseslines-per-task).
- lines_out
- list of lines with output results (visibilities and phase calibration).
(current_key_pair_accu, F_stack_shift, F_adj_shift_partial, F_lti, F_ind, failed_acc_count, current_block_first_sample, dismissed_acc_count)[source]¶ Get list of lines with stats for this accumulation period including: -Number of dropped/added samples (for fractional sample overflows) (stack) -Number of fractional sample overflows (shift) -For each stationpol: last sample, total samples, missing/invalid samples (lti) -Number of failed accumulations (will be one if some data is uncorrelated, which may be
simply due to missalignment from delays.- current_key_pair_accu
- part of the key with pair (station-pol A and station-pol B) and accumulation period.
- F_stack_shift
- [unused?] see lib_fx_stack().
- F_adj_shift_partial
- [unused?] see lib_fx_stack().
- F_lti
- list with last sample (l), total number of samples processed (t), invalid samples (i), and
- adjuted samples for each stream.
- F_ind
- list with station-polarizations.
- failed_acc_count
- number of failed accumulations.
- current_block_first_sample
- <first_sample>.<channel_index>
- dismissed_acc_count
- number of dismissed accumulations.
- lines_stats : list of str
- lines with stats.
TO DO:Remove unused.
(F1)[source]¶ Get string showing shapes of F1.
- F1: list of multidimensional np.arrays
- (each elment has the samples for each station-poliarization.
out : str
(acc_pcal, current_n_bins_pcal, count_acc_pcal, current_key_pair_accu, current_vector_split, current_block_first_sample)[source]¶ [Only used in one-baseline-per-task mode] Get output string for phase calibration.
- acc_pcal : complex 1D np.array
- phase calibration results for one baseline, one band and one accumulation period.
- current_n_bins_pcal
- number of bins (number of elements in acc_pcal).
- count_acc_pcal
- number of accumulations performed to get pcal results.
- current_key_pair_accu
- part of the key with the baseline and the accumulation multi-key.
- current_vector_split
- metadata as in the input line.
- current_block_first_sample
- <first_sample>.<channel_index>.
- str_print : str
- output line with phase calibration results.
(sp, acc_pcal, current_n_bins_pcal, count_acc_pcal, current_key_pair_accu, current_vector_split, current_block_first_sample)[source]¶ Get output string for phase calibration (all-baselines-per-task).
- sp
- station-polarization
- acc_pcal : complex 1D np.array
- phase calibration results for one baseline, one band and one accumulation period.
- current_n_bins_pcal
- number of bins (number of elements in acc_pcal).
- count_acc_pcal
- number of accumulations performed to get pcal results.
- current_key_pair_accu
- part of the key with the baseline and the accumulation multi-key.
- current_vector_split
- metadata as in the input line.
- current_block_first_sample
- <first_sample>.<channel_index>.
- str_print : str
- output line with phase calibration results.
(current_key_pair_accu, count_acc, current_vector_split, current_block_first_sample, accu_prod_div)[source]¶ Get output string for reducer.
- current_key_pair_accu
- part of the key with the baseline and the accumulation multi-key.
- count_acc
- number of accumulations.
- current_vector_split
- list with metadata.
- current_block_first_sample
- <first_sample>.<channel_index>
- accu_prod_div : complex 1D np.array
- visibilities for one baseline, one band and one accumulation period.
- str_print : str
- output line with visibilities.
(last_F_delays, last_F_rates, last_F_frac, last_F_fs, last_F_fs_pcal, last_F_side, last_F_first_sample, F_delays, F_rates, F_frac, F_fs, F_fs_pcal, F_side, F_first_sample)[source]¶ Keep previous structures in case there is no data for all stationpols.
(line)[source]¶ Get sub-keys from read line.
- line : str
- whole line read from input.
- key_pair_accu : str
- part of the key with pair (station-pol A and station-pol B) and accumulation period.
- key_sample : str
- part of they key with sample number.
- key_station
- station identifier
- vector_split
- second part of the header with information necessary for the processing of the samples.
- is_autocorr
- used in one-baseline-per-task mode, indicates that this pair is an autocorrelation and therefore
- these samples will be correlated with themselves.
- key_station_pol
- station-polarization identifier.
- char_type
- identifies the mode of operation, as defined in the mapper:
- ‘x’ for all-baselines-per-task,‘r’ for linear scaling with the number of stations,‘y’ for one-baseline-per-task.
- accu_block
- integration period number.
TO DO:Move char_type (char_p in mapper) to constants section.
(v_dequant, F1, F_ind, key_station_pol, F_delays, F_rates, F_fs, F_fs_pcal, abs_delay, rate_delay, fs, fs_pcal, F_first_sample, first_sample, data_type, F_frac, fractional_sample_delay, shift_delay, F_side, sideband, fft_size_in)[source]¶ Store samples and metadata, to be processed later.
- F_*: lists where each element correspond to one read line. All these lists are related, i.e. the n-th element
- of all lists correspond to the same read line.
TO DO:Add checks.