lib_quant module

Module with basic quantizer and dequantizer.


Compute list of values for unpacking samples. [Used by decode_samples_red()]


[6, 4, 2, 0]
lib_quant.decode_samples_red(words, bits_per_sample)[source]

Unpack samples given a binary vector with the packed samples and the number of bits per sample. [Used by sub_unpack_samples()]

words bits_per_sample : int

number of bits per sample.
words_nostack : numpy 1D array
unpacked samples.
lib_quant.get_samples(samples_quant, bits_per_sample, current_data_type, num_samples=-1, single_precision=0)[source]

Get dequantized samples from samples in binary format.

samples_quant : numpy 1D array
samples (components if complex), packed in binary format (uint8).
bits_per_sample : int
number of bits per sample.
current_data_type : char {‘c’,’r’}
‘c’ for complex, ‘r’ for real data.
num_samples : int
number of samples to be returned (first num_samples). This is used to avoid errors if the number
samples is smaller than the number of samples fitting a uint8.
v_2bps_complex : list
quantization levels for 2 bit complex.
v_2bps_real : list
quantization levels for 2 bit real.
result : numpy 1D array
complex with dequantized samples.


Currently only 2 bits per sample, generalize for different numbers of bits per sample.

From a given list of samples, group into pairs of 2 (real and imaginary).

lib_quant.np_take_samples(v_2bps, unpacked_samples)[source]

Translate vector with sampled values into dequantized values. [Used by sub_unpack_samples()]

v_2bps : list
quantization values.
quantized samples.
out : numpy 1D array
dequantized sample components.
lib_quant.simple_dequantizer(signal=[], bits_quant=1, limits=[-1, 1])[source]
Basic dequantizer: it takes as input a list of quantized samples (output of simple_quantizer())

and returns a list of the same size with float values from limits[0] to limits[1], representing the quantization thressholds, distributed at equal intervals between these limits

signal = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3] bits_quant = 2 output=simple_dequantizer(signal,bits_quant) output = [-0.75, -0.75, -0.75, -0.75, -0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75]

(!) Use only for testing. (!) TO DO: migrate code using this function to newer implementation.

lib_quant.simple_quantizer(samples, bits_quant=1, signal_limits=[-1, 1], force_limits=0)[source]
Basic quantizer: it takes as input a list of samples and returns a list of the same size

with integers from 0 to 2**bits_quant - 1, representing the quantization thressholds, distributed at equal intervals between teh minimum and the maximum of the signal.

signal = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] bits_quant = 2 output=simple_quantizer(signal,bits_quant) output = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
To be done:
-Introduce other quantization strategies

(!) Use only for testing. (!) TO DO: migrate code using this function to newer implementation.

lib_quant.sub_pack_complex_samples(samples, bits_per_sample)[source]

Group dequantized values into complex values (pair where first one is real part, second one imaginary part).

samples : numpy 1D array
samples components (complex): [real_part_0, imag_part_0, real_part_1, ... ].
bits_per_sample : int
number of bits per sample.
complex_samples : numpy 1D array
complex samples: [complex_0, complex_1, ...]


Currently only 2 bits per sample.
lib_quant.sub_unpack_samples(samples_quant, bits_per_sample, current_data_type, v_2bps_complex, v_2bps_real)[source]

Unpack samples packed in a binary vector into dequantized values.

See get_samples().
out : numpy 1D array of complex
dequantized samples.