convert_cx_dx module

Script to convert cx output into dx at the cluster. Need a folder with the media.ini, correlation.ini and output file.


1 : str
input/output folder.
2 : str
input file (cx output).
3 : str
output file (swin format).
4 : str(int)
if 1 only first half of the FFT is taken.
5 : str(float)
accumulation period value to be overwritten.
6 : chr
polarization char to be overwritten (first station).
7 : chr
polarization char to be overwritten (second station)


head -n500 /nobackup1b/users/ajva/tests_cx_20160610_1000/out_cx_eht_20160610.txt > /nobackup1b/users/ajva/tests_cx_20160610_1000/head_500_out.txt python /nobackup1b/users/ajva/tests_cx_20160610_1000 processed_head_500.txt processed_head_500__ 1 0.32 R L