Source code for cx2d_lib

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#!/usr/bin/env python
#The MIT CorrelX Correlator
#Project leads: Victor Pankratius, Pedro Elosegui Project developer: A.J. Vazquez Alvarez
#Copyright 2017 MIT Haystack Observatory
#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#Project: CorrelX.
#Author: A.J. Vazquez Alvarez (
Module with basic functions to convert output from CorrelX/CX to DiFX/SWIN+PCAL.

 The objective of this library is to connect the CorrelX processing chain with:
 | *vex2difx+calcif2 (input): for generating the configuration files.
 | *difx2mark4 (output): for generating a mark4 fileset that can be processed with fourfit.

Conventions CorrelX
    Make sure that the same file used for the correlation is imported here, since the fields in the header are
      accesed using the constants const_mapred.INDEX_*.

Conventions DiFX
    Conventions are as defined in:
    |  DiFX/SWIN [DIFX_*]: CSIRO - (2016.01.12)
    |  DiFX/PCAL [PCAL_*]: [Br14] NRAO - A Guide to the DiFX Software Correlator (Version 2.2), Section 6.8.2. Pulse cal data files. (2014.06.23)
    |  DiFX/SWIN [*.im,*.input]: CSIRO - (2016.01.12)

Sections of code
    | CX output (read)
    | CX output (debug)
    | DiFX/SWIN (write)
    | DiFX/SWIN (read)
    | Processing zoombands: CX -> CX_zoomed
    | Conversion CorrelX/CX -> DiFX/SWIN
    | Conversion CorrelX/CX -> DiFX/PCAL
    | Conversion CorrelX/CX -> DiFX/SWIN+PCAL
    | DiFX/.im,.input parser tools
    | Conversion DiFX/.im -> CorrelX/delay_model+sources
    | Conversion DiFX/.input -> CorrelX/stations+correlation+media
(!) Limitations
    | Single source. source_index=0
    | Single configuration. configuration_index=0
    | Single phase_centre. phase_centre=0
    | Single pulsar_bin. pulsar_bin=0
    | Data weight is forced to be 1
    | u,v,w are forced to be 0
    | Averaging currently only implemented for zoom bands
    | Zoom bands currently implemented during postprocessing

 All constants are kept in this file due to strong dependence on external references.
 | Create separate library and move there the CX output file processing functions.
 | Configuration conversion libraries: experimental, see limitations for input_to_media().
 | Print remainder and do checks for CX_IMPORT_CONST_MAPRED.
 | Remove back_compat option (replace by custom const_mapred import).

#initial version: 2016.01 ajva
#MIT Haystack Observatory

from __future__ import print_function

#           Matplotlib support
ENABLE_PLOTTING=1                                        # Disable plotting if running on a machine without matplotlib
#                                                        # Currently: use 0 for Python2, 1 for Python3

###################################################################################### CorrelX/version

#         CorrelX/CX version
CX_IMPORT_CONST_MAPRED="latest"                          # Latest header format (
#CX_IMPORT_CONST_MAPRED="2016.08.04"                      # Legacy header format (
CX_OVERRIDE_META_LEN=-1                                  # if <=0 take META_LEN from const_mapred
#CX_OVERRIDE_META_LEN=27                                  # if >0 take this value for META_LEN (number of header metadata fields)

###################################################################################### CorrelX/ini

#         CorrelX/ini
CX_DEFAULT_MEDIA_DIR="media"                             # Folder relative to ini folder to place symbolyc links to media

###################################################################################### DiFX/version

#   DiFX/SWIN+PCAL version (only display)
REFERENCE_SWIN_WEB_VERSION=  "2016.01.12"                # Report this on top of this file.
REFERENCE_DIFX_GUIDE_VERSION="2014.06.23"                # Report this on top of this file.

###################################################################################### DiFX/SWIN

#          DiFX/SWIN - filename
DIFX_FILENAME_SEP=            "_"
DIFX_FILENAME_SUFFIX=         ".s0000.b0000"             

#  DiFX/SWIN - forced values for writting
SYNC_WORD=             b'\x00\xff\x00\xff'               # This sync word is for little endiannes
FORCED_HEADER_VERSION= 1                                 # Header version
FORCED_SOURCE_INDEX=   0                                 # Source id
FORCED_CONFIG_INDEX=   0                                 # Configuration index
FORCED_PULSAR_BIN=     0                                 # Pulsar bin
FORCED_WEIGHT=         1.0                               # Weight
FORCED_U=              0.0                               # U [m]
FORCED_V=              0.0                               # V [m]
FORCED_W=              0.0                               # W [m]

#   DiFX/SWIN - endiannes for writting
END_SWIN_INT=         "<I"                               # Integer (used in header metadata
END_SWIN_DOUBLE=      "<d"                               # Double  (used in header metadata)
END_SWIN_CHAR=        "<c"                               # Char    (used in header polarization pair)
END_SWIN_FLOAT=       "<f"                               # Foat    (used in visibilities)

#  DiFX/SWIN - Number of bytes for reading

#  DiFX/SWIN - positions of fields for reading
POS_SWIN_SYNC=         0                                # Note that reference (web) starts numbering at 1, here at 0
POS_SWIN_MJD=         12
POS_SWIN_FREQ=        32
POS_SWIN_POL0=        36
POS_SWIN_POL1=        37
POS_SWIN_U=           50
POS_SWIN_V=           58
POS_SWIN_W=           66

###################################################################################### DiFX/PCAL

#          DiFX/PCAL - filename
PCAL_FILENAME_SEP=            "_"
# fixed length seconds
PCAL_FILENAME_SECONDS_ZFILL=  6                      

#         DiFX/PCAL - header lines
PCAL_HEADER_TITLE=            "# cx-derived pulse cal data"
PCAL_HEADER_VERSION=          "# File version = "
PCAL_HEADER_MJD=              "# Start MJD = "
PCAL_HEADER_SECONDS=          "# Start seconds = "
PCAL_HEADER_TELESCOPE=        "# Telescope name = "

#         DiFX/PCAL - record format
# float point value format
PCAL_TONE_SCI_FORMAT=          "%.5e"
# invalid record
PCAL_INVALID_RECORD_STR=       "-1 0 0 0"

###################################################################################### DiFX/.im+input

#  DiFX/.im+input - general
# separator parameter: value
C_DIFX_SEPARATOR=             ":"                      

#   DiFX/.im - patterns to find lines
# delay model info
C_DIFX_IM_DELAY_US=           "DELAY (us)"
C_DIFX_IM_DRY_US=             "DRY (us)"
C_DIFX_IM_MJD=                "MJD"
C_DIFX_IM_POLY=               "POLY"
C_DIFX_IM_SCAN=               "SCAN"
C_DIFX_IM_SEC=                "SEC"
C_DIFX_IM_WET_US=             "WET (us)"
# sources info

#  DiFX/.input - patterns to find lines
# stations info
# correlation info
# media info
C_DIFX_INPUT_BW=              "BW (MHZ)"
C_DIFX_INPUT_FREQ=            "FREQ (MHZ)"
C_DIFX_INPUT_FILE=            "FILE "
C_DIFX_INPUT_POL=             "POL"

#          Import
import imp
# Constants for mapper and reducer

    import const_mapred              # CX output separators and field locations (!) Make sure it is the same as used in correlation.
    from const_mapred import *

elif CX_IMPORT_CONST_MAPRED=="2016.08.04":
    import const_mapred_legacy_20160804            
    from const_mapred_legacy_20160804 import *


#print("CX header version: "+CX_IMPORT_CONST_MAPRED)
#print("CX meta len: "+str(META_LEN))

import lib_ini_files                 # CX ini files
from lib_ini_files import *

import lib_acc_comp                  # CX accumulation periods
from lib_acc_comp import *

import numpy as np
import struct
import os
import operator

                                     # Plotting
    import matplotlib as mpl
except ImportError:
    #print("Matplotlib not available, proceeding with no plots!")

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
    from matplotlib.legend import Legend

#          CX output (read)
[docs]def split_line_correct_tab(line): """ Separate key and value in CX line. Update if changes to msvf.get_pair_str are done (key separator FIELD_SEP+KEY_SEP). """ line_split = line.strip().split(KEY_SEP) if len(line_split)>2: line_split[1]+=(FIELD_SEP+line_split[2]) #print(line_split) meta = line_split[0] try: data = line_split[1] except IndexError: print("IndexError splitting line") print(line_split) return([meta,data])
[docs]def read_line_cx(line,fft_size=-1): """ Read a line from a CX file (and check number of visibilities if required). Parameters ---------- line : str line from CX file. fft_size : int,optional number of coefficients in the visibilities (or pcal bins). Returns ------- meta : str line header. st0 : int first station of the baseline. st1 : int second station of the baseline. key : int absolute key (see msvf.get_pair_str().key_value). vis : int accumulation period. chan : int band id. pol0 : int polarization id for st0. pol1 : int polariation id for st1. predata : str metadata fields. datac : complex 1D np.array visibilities. """ [meta,data] = split_line_correct_tab(line) [pxs,st0pol0,st1pol1,chanvis,acctot] = meta.split(FIELD_SEP) [st0s,pol0s] = st0pol0.split(SF_SEP) [st1s,pol1s] = st1pol1.split(SF_SEP) [keys,viss,chans] = chanvis[2:].split(SF_SEP) accs = acctot[3:] st0 = int(st0s) pol0 = int(pol0s) st1 = int(st1s) pol1 = int(pol1s) key = int(keys) chan = int(chans) vis = int(viss) acc = int(accs) predata=' '.join(data.split(' ')[:META_LEN]) if fft_size>0 and len(data.split(' ')[META_LEN:])<fft_size: datac=None else: datac=np.asarray(data.split(' ')[META_LEN:]).astype(complex) header_data_split = data.split(' ')[:META_LEN] n_bins = int(header_data_split[INDEX_NBINS_PCAL]) pcal_freq = int(float(header_data_split[INDEX_PCAL_FREQ])//1) chan_index = int(header_data_split[INDEX_CHANNEL_INDEX]) acc_period = vis fs = float(data.split(' ')[INDEX_FS]) return([meta,st0,st1,key,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,n_bins,pcal_freq,chan_index,acc_period,fs,predata,datac])
[docs]def read_cxoutput(cxoutput_file,v=1,back_compat=0): """ Read cx output file into list. Parameters ---------- cxoutput_file : str path to cx file. v : int verbose if 1. back_compat : int,optional [default 0][remove] Returns ------- list_output : list list of [st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,diff_st] elements where: | st0: first station in the baseline. | st1: second station in the baseline. | vis: accumulation period id. | chan: channel id. | pol0: polarization id for st0. | pol1: polarization id for st1. | datac: complex 1D np.array with visibilities. | diff_st: field used for sorting. Notes ----- | | **TO DO** | | Sorting convention based on sorting based on actual SWIN files. Check method and find proper reference. | Remove back_compat in libraries calling this function. """ list_output=[] reduced_list=[] with open(cxoutput_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if "px" in line[:2]: print(line[:80]) [meta,st0,st1,key,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,n_bins,\ pcal_freq,chan_index,acc_period,fs,predata,datac] = read_line_cx(line) # for sorting diff_st=1000000-np.abs(st0-st1) list_output+=[[st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,datac,diff_st]] # for display reduced_list+=[[st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,diff_st]] if v==1: print(meta) print(" Sts.: "+str(st0)+","+str(st1)) print(" Vis.: "+str(vis)) print(" Chan.: "+str(chan)) print(" Pols.: "+str(pol0)+","+str(pol1)) if v==1: print(sorted(reduced_list, key = lambda x: (x[:7]))) #sorted_list=list_output return(list_output)
########################################### # CX output (debug) ###########################################
[docs]def get_list_meta(const_file="",path_src=""): """ Get list with metadata fields from source file Use for debugging. Parameters ---------- const_file : str path to const_mapred file. path_src : str path to location of source file Returns ------- line_st_v : list of str all metadata fields (without INDEX_). Notes ----- Hardcoded values based on, use only for debugging. """ const_file = path_src+"/"+const_file mode_read=0 line_st_v=[] filter_str="INDEX_" with open(const_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() line_counter=0 for line in lines: line_st=line.strip() if filter_str in line_st and "[" in line: mode_read=1 if filter_str in line_st and mode_read: if "[" in line_st: line_st=line_st.split("[")[1] if "," in line_st: line_st=line_st.split(",")[0] if "]" in line_st: line_st=line_st.split("]")[0] line_st=line_st.split("INDEX_")[1] line_st_v.append(line_st) if filter_str in line_st and "]" in line: mode_read=0 return(line_st_v)
[docs]def show_line_cx(file_in,line_start,line_count,filter_line="px",v=1,path_src=""): """ Display metadata fields and number of coefficients in the visibilities. Use for debugging. Parameters ---------- file_in : str path to CX file. line_start : int first line to read. line_count : int number of lines to read (-1 for no limit). filter_line : str pattern to filter lines (exact match at line start) to be displayed. v : int verbose if 1. path_src : str path to location of source file Returns ------- results : list of [str,list of float] keys and the associated visibilities. """ const_file="" ljust_len=25 if v: print("cx2d configuration:") print("-"*19) print("CX_IMPORT_CONST_MAPRED: ".ljust(ljust_len)+str(CX_IMPORT_CONST_MAPRED)) print("CX_OVERRIDE_META_LEN: ".ljust(ljust_len)+str(CX_OVERRIDE_META_LEN)) print("META_LEN:".ljust(ljust_len)+str(META_LEN)) print("Metadata fields from: ".ljust(ljust_len)+str(const_file)) print("") print("Lines:") print("-"*6) list_meta=get_list_meta(const_file="",path_src=path_src) results=[] len_filter_line=len(filter_line) with open(file_in, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() line_counter=0 for line in lines: if filter_line in line[:len_filter_line]: if (line_counter>=line_start): if line_counter<=line_start+line_count or line_count<0: #print(line.strip()) [meta,data] = split_line_correct_tab(line) data_split=data.split(" ") if v: print("Line id ".ljust(ljust_len)+str(line_counter)) print("Key: ".ljust(ljust_len)+meta) for i in range(len(list_meta)): print((list_meta[i]+": ").ljust(ljust_len)+data_split[i]) print("Num. visibilities: ".ljust(ljust_len)+str(len(data_split[len(list_meta):]))) print(" ") results.append([meta,np.array(list(map(complex,data_split[len(list_meta):])))]) line_count-=1 line_counter+=1 if line_count==0: break return(results)
[docs]def get_error_indicator(file_vis_1,file_vis_2,force=0,path_src=""): """ Provides the sum of the L2-norm between all pairs of visibilities. Use only for debugging comparing two CorrelX output files (e.g. testing changes). Parameters ---------- file_vis_1 : str path to the reference file with visibilities. file_vis_2 : str path to the test file with visibilities. force : int continue execution even if metadata differ. path_src : str path to location of source file Returns ------- None Notes ----- | | **Assumptions / TO DO** | | Currently assuming that then number of coefficients does not change for lines in the same file. | Currently no error checking if forcing execution (e.g. different number lines). """ error_diff=0 acc_res=0 i=-1 jv=30 if force: print(" WARNING! Forcing execution even if headers differ!") print(" File 1:".ljust(jv)+file_vis_1) print(" File 2:".ljust(jv)+file_vis_2) vis1 = show_line_cx(file_vis_1,line_start=0,line_count=-1,v=0,path_src=path_src) vis2 = show_line_cx(file_vis_2,line_start=0,line_count=-1,v=0,path_src=path_src) len_vis1=len(vis1) len_vis2=len(vis2) if len_vis1!=len_vis2: print(" Different number of lines: "+str(len_vis1)+" "+str(len_vis2)) error_diff=1 for i in range(len(vis1)): if force or not(error_diff): meta1=vis1[i][0] meta2=vis2[i][0] if meta1!=meta2: print(" DIFF: Different headers. (Line "+str(i)+"): "+meta1+" "+meta2) error_diff=1 if not force: break len1=len(vis1[i][1]) len2=len(vis2[i][1]) if len1!=len2: print(" DIFF: Different number of coefficients. (Line "+str(i)+"): "+str(len1)+" "+str(len2)) error_diff=1 if not force: break sub=np.subtract(np.array(vis1[i][1]),np.array(vis2[i][1])) acc_res+=np.real(,np.conj(sub))) # Imaginary part will be zero, do not show warning print(" Visibilities compared:".ljust(jv)+str(i+1)) if force or not(error_diff): print(" Num. coefficients per vis.:".ljust(jv)+str(len1)) print(" Total error:".ljust(jv)+str(acc_res)) else: print(" Num. coefficients per vis.:".ljust(jv)+"N/A") print(" Total error:".ljust(jv)+"N/A")
[docs]def plot_vis_cx(file_input,title_figure,mode_in="px",max_lines=-2,interval_start=0,\ interval_end=-1,filter_str=""): """ Basic function for plotting output, one plot per band. Parameters ---------- file_input : str path to the visibilities file. title_figure : str prefix for the title of the figures mode_in : str prefix of cx file lines. max_lines : int,optional maximum number of lines to read. interval_start: int,optional first coefficient to plot. interval_end : int,optional last coefficient to plot. filter_str : str,optional filter lines with this string (for example only a certain baseline). Returns ------- N/A """ #Prepare files f_in = open(file_input) #Figure index_plt=3 it_lines=-1 for line in f_in: if filter_str!="": if filter_str not in line: continue if max_lines!=-1: it_lines+=1 if it_lines==max_lines: break if mode_in in line[:len(mode_in)]: line = line.strip() try: key, vector = line.split('\t',1) except ValueError: #[''] continue index_plt+=1 fig = plt.figure(index_plt) fig.clf() plt.subplot(121) yf=[complex(i) for i in vector.split(' ')[META_LEN:]] freq_sample=(complex(vector.split(' ')[1])).real N=len(yf) interval_end_mod=interval_end if interval_end_mod==-1: interval_end_mod=N x = list(range(interval_start,interval_end_mod)) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(x,np.abs(yf[interval_start:interval_end_mod]),'o-') plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title('Magnitude') plt.grid() plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(x,np.angle(yf[interval_start:interval_end_mod]),'o-') plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title('Phase') plt.grid() #Show results fig.suptitle(title_figure + " " + key+" ["+str(interval_start)+":"+\ str(interval_end_mod)+"]", fontsize=12) f_in.close()
########################################### # DiFX/SWIN (write) ###########################################
[docs]def compute_baseline_num_swin(st0,st1): """ Takes two integers with IDs for stations are computes baselines number as 256*([st0]+1)+([st1]+1). Parameters ---------- st0,st1 : int values for station 0 and station 1 starting at zero. Returns ------- baseline_num : int baseline number """ baseline_num = 256*(st0+1)+(st1+1) return(baseline_num)
[docs]def sort_swin_records(output_list): """ Sort SWIN output records. Parameters ---------- output_list : list of [st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,header,values_bytes,diff_st] see convert_cx2d.output_list. Notes ----- | | **Sorting is as follows:** | | 1. accumulation period | 2. term based on stations ids (see read_cxoutput()) | 3. first station of the baseline | 4. second station of the baseline | 5. band | 6. polarization for first station | 7. polarization for second station | | **TO DO:** | | x[2] duplicated, remove second one """ # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #[st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,header,values_bytes,diff_st] # vis diff_st st0 st1 vis chan pol0 pol1 #return(sorted(output_list, key = lambda x: (x[2], x[8], x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5]))) return(sorted(output_list, key = lambda x: (x[2], x[8], x[0],x[1],x[2],x[4],x[5],x[3])))
[docs]def create_header_swin(st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,mjd,seconds_start,accumulation_period,polarization_chars_list,\ source_index=FORCED_SOURCE_INDEX,config_index=FORCED_CONFIG_INDEX,pulsar_bin=FORCED_PULSAR_BIN,\ header_version=FORCED_HEADER_VERSION,forced_weight=FORCED_WEIGHT,forced_u=FORCED_U,forced_v=FORCED_V,\ forced_w=FORCED_W): """ Byte representation for one header. Parameters ---------- st0 : int first station in the baseline. st1 : int second station in the baseline. vis : int accumulation period id. chan : int channel id. pol0 : char polarization id for st0. pol1 : char polarization id for st1. mjd : int MJD for this accumulation period. seconds_start : float seconds corresponding to the middle of the first accumulation period. accumulation_period : float duration of the accumulation period in seconds. polarization_chars_list : list of str polarization characters to accessed by id (pol0 and pol1). source_index : int,optional See constants on top of this file. config_index : int,optional pulsar_bin : int,optional header_version : int,optional forced_weight : float,optional forced_u : float,optional forced_v : float,optional forced_w : float,optional Returns ------- header_list : byte array header ready to be written to a file. Notes ----- | Optional arguments are replaced by forced values. | Note that secnods start is not at the start of the first accumulation period but at the middle! | Values for st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1 starting at 0. | | | **TO DO:** | | Change input floats by double as applicable. """ # Computations baseline_num = compute_baseline_num_swin(st0,st1) seconds = seconds_start+accumulation_period*vis # Display tabulated info print(str(vis ).ljust(5)+\ str(seconds ).rjust(10)+\ str(accumulation_period ).rjust(7)+\ str(chan ).rjust(7)+" "+\ str(polarization_chars_list[pol0])+\ str(polarization_chars_list[pol1])) header_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_INT, FORCED_HEADER_VERSION) baseline_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_INT, baseline_num) version_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_INT, header_version) mjd_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_INT, mjd) seconds_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_DOUBLE,seconds) config_index_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_INT, config_index) source_index_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_INT, source_index) freq_index_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_INT, chan) #if ENABLE_PLOTTING: if sys.version_info[0]>2: # Python3 polarization_pair_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_CHAR, bytes(polarization_chars_list[pol0],'utf-8')) polarization_pair_bytes += struct.pack(END_SWIN_CHAR, bytes(polarization_chars_list[pol1],'utf-8')) else: # Python2 polarization_pair_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_CHAR, polarization_chars_list[pol0]) polarization_pair_bytes += struct.pack(END_SWIN_CHAR, polarization_chars_list[pol1]) pulsar_bin_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_INT, pulsar_bin) forced_weight_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_DOUBLE,forced_weight) forced_u_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_DOUBLE,forced_u) forced_v_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_DOUBLE,forced_v) forced_w_bytes = struct.pack(END_SWIN_DOUBLE,forced_w) # Header elements header_list = b'' header_list += SYNC_WORD header_list += version_bytes header_list += baseline_bytes header_list += mjd_bytes header_list += seconds_bytes header_list += config_index_bytes header_list += source_index_bytes header_list += freq_index_bytes header_list += polarization_pair_bytes header_list += pulsar_bin_bytes header_list += forced_weight_bytes header_list += forced_u_bytes header_list += forced_v_bytes header_list += forced_w_bytes return(header_list)
[docs]def create_bytes_list_visibilities_swin(data_complex_list,only_half=0,duplicate=0,divide_vis_by=1,conjugate_vis_values=0): """ Generate binary representation for one set of visibilities. Parameters ---------- data_complex_list : 1D numpy arrayof complex visibilities (components from 0 to N-1). only_half : optional,testing if 1 takes components [0,N/2-1], if 2 it takes [N/2,N-1]. duplicate : optional,testing duplicate components [consider removing]. divide_vis_by : optional,testing divide all coefficients by this value. conjugate_vis_values : optional,testing conjugate all visibilities. Returns ------- header_list : byte array visibilities ready to be written to a file. Notes ----- | | **TO DO:** | | Consider removing duplicate. """ N=len(data_complex_list) values_list=b'' # For old files with FFT not double of FFT in configuration... # Will duplicate first half of the samples to extend up to the FFT size if only_half==1: data_complex_list=data_complex_list[:(N//2)] elif only_half==2: data_complex_list=data_complex_list[(N//2):] #plt.plot([i.real for i in data_complex_list]) data_complex_list=np.divide(data_complex_list,divide_vis_by) if conjugate_vis_values==1: data_complex_list=np.conj(data_complex_list) for i in data_complex_list: values_list += struct.pack(END_SWIN_FLOAT,i.real) values_list += struct.pack(END_SWIN_FLOAT,i.imag) if duplicate: values_list += struct.pack(END_SWIN_FLOAT,i.real) values_list += struct.pack(END_SWIN_FLOAT,i.imag) return(values_list)
########################################### # DiFX/SWIN (read) ###########################################
[docs]def compute_stations_num_swin(baseline_num): """ Returns two integers with IDs for station based on SWIN header baseline number. See compute_baseline_num_swin(). Notes ----- Values for st0 and st1 starting at zero. """ st0 = int(baseline_num//256)-1 st1 = baseline_num - (st0+1)*256 -1 return([st0,st1])
[docs]def read_bytes_from_file(f,n_values,read_type="bytes",v=0): """ Read groups of one or four bytes from a binary file. Parameters ---------- f : handlder to binary file ('rb') binary file to read from. n_values : int number of groups to read. read_type : { "bytes" , "floats" } "bytes" to read unsigned integer 8 bits, "floats" to read unsigned integer 32 bits. v : int verbose if 1. Returns ------- words_array : numpy array of unsigned int of 8 or 32 bits (as configured in read_type). read bytes. Notes ----- | | **TO DO:** | | Change notation for floats. """ words_array = [] try: #words_array.fromfile(f,n_words) if read_type=="floats": words_array = np.fromfile(file = f,dtype=np.uint32, count=n_values) else: words_array = np.fromfile(file = f,dtype=np.uint8, count=n_values) except EOFError: return([]) return(words_array)
[docs]def get_int_from_header(header,i): """ Read integer from a np.uint8 array (header) starting at position i. """ return(int(list( struct.unpack(END_SWIN_INT, header[i:i+NUM_BYTES_SWIN_INT]))[0]))
[docs]def get_double_from_header(header,i): """ Read double from a np.uint8 array (header) starting at position i. """ return(np.float64(list(struct.unpack(END_SWIN_DOUBLE,header[i:i+NUM_BYTES_SWIN_DOUBLE]))[0]))
[docs]def get_char_from_header(header,i): """ Read char from a np.uint8 array (header) starting at position i. """ return(str(list( struct.unpack(END_SWIN_CHAR, header[i:i+1]))[0])[2])
[docs]def get_float_from_header(header,i): """ Read float from a np.uint8 array (header) starting at position i. """ return(float(list( struct.unpack(END_SWIN_FLOAT, header[i:i+NUM_BYTES_SWIN_FLOAT]))[0]))
[docs]def read_doutput(doutput_file,complex_vector_length,vis_limit=10,filter_bands=[],filter_pols=[],filter_seconds=[],v=0,\ interval_start=0,interval_end=-1): """ Plot visibilities from a SWIN file. Parameters ---------- doutput_file : str path to SWIN file. complex_vector_length : int number of coefficients in the visibilities. vis_limit : int, optional number of visibilities to read (-1 for no limit). filter_bands : list of int, optional band ids to include ([] to include all). E.g.: [0,1] filter_pols : list of str, optional band ids to include ([] to include all). E.g.: ["LR","RL"] filter_seconds : list of ints, optional band ids to include ([] to include all). E.g.: ["0.16","0.48"] v : int, optional verbose if 1. Returns ------- N/A Notes ----- | | **Configuration:** | | Constant ENABLE_PLOTTING=1 to display plots. | | | **Notes:** | | Visbilities are displayed into two figures: magnitude and phase. | | | **TO DO:** | | Add checks for header. | Consider automating the computation of complex_vector_length. """ with open(doutput_file,'rb') as f: continue_reading =1 visibilities_v = [] while continue_reading: header = read_bytes_from_file(f, NUM_BYTES_SWIN_HEADER) if (header != [])and(vis_limit!=0): sync_word = header[POS_SWIN_SYNC:NUM_BYTES_SWIN_SYNC] header_version = get_int_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_VERSION) baseline_num = get_int_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_BASELINE) mjd = get_int_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_MJD) seconds = get_double_from_header(header,POS_SWIN_SECONDS) config_index = get_int_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_CONFIG) source_index = get_int_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_SOURCE) freq_index = get_int_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_FREQ) pol0 = get_char_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_POL0) pol1 = get_char_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_POL1) pulsar_bin = get_int_from_header(header, POS_SWIN_PULSAR) data_weight = get_double_from_header(header,POS_SWIN_WEIGHT) u_meters = get_double_from_header(header,POS_SWIN_U) v_meters = get_double_from_header(header,POS_SWIN_V) w_meters = get_double_from_header(header,POS_SWIN_W) [st0,st1] = compute_stations_num_swin(baseline_num) identifier = str("src"+str(source_index)+" dx-"+str(st0)+"."+pol0+"-"+str(st1)+"."+pol1+"-a"+str(seconds)+\ "."+str(freq_index)) if v==1: print("".rjust(40)+\ str(header_version).rjust(3)+\ str(baseline_num ).rjust(5)+\ str(mjd ).rjust(8)+\ str(seconds ).rjust(15)+\ str(config_index ).rjust(2)+\ str(freq_index ).rjust(2)+\ str(pol0 ).rjust(2)+\ str(pol1 ).rjust(2)+\ str(pulsar_bin ).rjust(2)+" "+\ str(sync_word )) visibilities = [] data_vis = read_bytes_from_file(f,complex_vector_length*8) for i in range(complex_vector_length): re_part = get_float_from_header(data_vis,i*8) im_part = get_float_from_header(data_vis,4+i*8) visibilities.append(re_part+1j*im_part) #print(visibilities) visibilities_v.append(visibilities) id_explain="src<src> dx-<st0>.<pol0>-<st1>.<pol1>-a<seconds>.<freq_index>" float_seconds=str(seconds) if ((filter_bands!=[])and(freq_index in filter_bands))or(filter_bands==[]): if ((pol0+pol1) in filter_pols) or filter_pols==[]: if ((filter_seconds!=[])and(seconds in filter_seconds))or(filter_seconds==[]): if vis_limit>0: vis_limit-=1 if v==1: print(identifier) if ENABLE_PLOTTING: plt.figure(1) plt.plot([np.abs(i) for i in visibilities[interval_start:interval_end]],label=identifier) plt.figure(2) plt.plot([np.angle(i) for i in visibilities[interval_start:interval_end]],label=identifier) else: print("WARNING: plotting disabled in cx2d_lib") if ENABLE_PLOTTING: plt.figure(1) plt.title("Magnitude") plt.figure(2) plt.title("Phase") else: if vis_limit==0: if v==1: print("Reached requested limit") continue_reading=0 if ENABLE_PLOTTING: for i in [1,2]: plt.figure(i) legendfig=plt.legend(title=id_explain,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
########################################### # Processing zoombands: CX -> CX_zoomed ###########################################
[docs]def get_pos_in_fft(f,fz,fft_size,bw): """ Get the coefficient corresponding to a certain frequency in the visibilities. Parameters ---------- f : float lower edge frequency of the band. fz : float frequency between f and f+bw (which associated coefficient is to be found). fft_size : int number of coefficients of the visibilities. bw : float bandwidth of the full band. Returns ------- output : int position of the first coefficient. Notes ----- | | **TO DO:** | | LSB/USB. """ return(int(((fft_size)*float(fz-f)/bw)//1))
[docs]def get_zoom_list(params_array_media,params_array_corr,v=0,average_channels=-1): """ Get the information required to process the zoom bands. Parameters ---------- params_array_media : list list with media configuration (see params_array_corr : list list with correlation configuration (see v : int verbose if 1. average_channels : int number of coefficients that are average into one (here only used for reporting). Returns ------- z_list : list list of elements [band_id, first_sample_fft, last_sample_fft, new_band_id] where: | band_id: id of the processed band. | first_sample_fft: position of the first element of the zoom in the full fft. | last_sample_fft: position of the last element of the zoom in the full fft. | new_band_id: id of the newly created band (zoom). Notes ----- | | **Assumptions:** | | It is assumed that a channel has only one associated sideband (this is checked when computing the | limits of the band, if lower sideband the upper edge is given. | It is assumed that zoom bands are always upper side band. | | | **TO DO:** | | LSB/USB for zoom band definitions... """ str_megahz=" MHz" ljustid=7 ljustz=15 # Lower edges for zoom frequency windows zoom_freq_v=[int(float(val)//1) for val in get_param_eq_vector(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_ZOOM_POST,\ C_INI_MEDIA_ZP_FREQ,modein="str")] # Bandwidths for zoom frequency windows zoom_bw_v= [int(float(val)//1) for val in get_param_eq_vector(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_ZOOM_POST,\ C_INI_MEDIA_ZP_BW,modein="str")] # Upper edges for zoom frequency windows zoom_freq_v_e=list(np.add(zoom_freq_v,zoom_bw_v)) file_list=get_val_vector(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_S_FILES,C_INI_MEDIA_LIST) channels_asoc_vector=[] sideband_asoc_vector=[] for fi in file_list: channels_asoc_vector+=[val for val in get_val_vector(params_array_media,fi,C_INI_MEDIA_CHANNELS)] sideband_asoc_vector+=[val for val in get_val_vector(params_array_media,fi,C_INI_MEDIA_SIDEBANDS)] # Set of channels channels_set_v=list(set(channels_asoc_vector)) # Sidebands associated to those channels sideband_set_v=[sideband_asoc_vector[y] for y in \ [channels_asoc_vector.index(x) for x in channels_set_v]] sideband_mult=[int(x=='L') for x in sideband_set_v] # Edges for full bands freq_v = [int(float(get_param_serial(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_FREQUENCIES,i))//1) for i in channels_set_v] # Bandwidths for full bands bw_v = [int(float(get_param_serial(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_BANDWIDTHS,i))//1) for i in channels_set_v] # Lower edges for full bands (subtract BW to edge if LSB) freq_v = [x-y*z for (x,y,z) in zip(freq_v,bw_v,sideband_mult)] # Upper edges for full bands freq_v_e=list(np.add(freq_v,bw_v)) # Number of coefficients in full band fft_size = int(get_param_serial(params_array_corr,C_INI_CR_S_COMP,C_INI_CR_FFT)) # Number of bands all_channels = get_all_params_serial(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_FREQUENCIES) tot_channels = len(all_channels) first_index_zoom = tot_channels # For every zoom window, iterate on all bands, and if the zoom window corresponds to the band, store the required info z_list = [] index_zoom = first_index_zoom if v==1: print(zoom_freq_v) print(zoom_freq_v_e) print(channels_asoc_vector) print(channels_set_v) print(freq_v) print(freq_v_e) print(bw_v) print("Band".ljust(ljustid)+\ "Zoom".ljust(ljustid)+\ "Band BW".ljust(ljustz)+\ "Zoom BW".ljust(ljustz)+\ "Band fft".ljust(ljustz)+\ "Zoom fft".ljust(ljustz)+\ "Zoom avg fft".ljust(ljustz)+\ "Band freq".ljust(ljustz)+\ "Zoom freq".ljust(ljustz)) for i_z in range(len(zoom_freq_v)): for i_f in range(len(freq_v)): z_item = [] if zoom_freq_v[i_z]>=freq_v[i_f] and zoom_freq_v_e[i_z]<=freq_v_e[i_f]: # Zoom positions zoom_start=get_pos_in_fft(freq_v[i_f],zoom_freq_v[i_z], fft_size,bw_v[i_f]) zoom_end= get_pos_in_fft(freq_v[i_f],zoom_freq_v_e[i_z],fft_size,bw_v[i_f]) # Display zoom band info zoom_bw_str= str(float(zoom_freq_v_e[i_z]-zoom_freq_v[i_z])/1e6)+str_megahz zoom_len_str=str(zoom_end-zoom_start) zoom_avg_str=zoom_len_str if average_channels>0: zoom_avg_str=str((zoom_end-zoom_start)//average_channels) bw_str= str(float(bw_v[i_f] )/1e6)+str_megahz freq_str= str(float(freq_v[i_f] )/1e6)+str_megahz freq_z_str= str(float(zoom_freq_v[i_z] )/1e6)+str_megahz print(str(i_f).ljust(ljustid)+str(index_zoom).ljust(ljustid)+\ bw_str.ljust(ljustz)+\ zoom_bw_str.ljust(ljustz)+\ str(fft_size).ljust(ljustz)+\ zoom_len_str.ljust(ljustz)+\ zoom_avg_str.ljust(ljustz)+\ freq_str.ljust(ljustz)+\ freq_z_str.ljust(ljustz)) # Create output list element z_item.append(all_channels.index(channels_set_v[i_f])) z_item.append(zoom_start) z_item.append(zoom_end) z_item.append(index_zoom) index_zoom+=1 z_list.append(z_item) if v==1: print(z_list) return(z_list)
[docs]def replace_channel_in_key(meta,new_band_id): """ Replace the band id in the CX header key. Parameters ---------- meta : str CX line header. new_band_id : int id for the new (zoom) band. Returns ------- new_meta : str new CX line header. Notes ----- | | **Configuration:** | | INDEX_KEY_CHANNEL: (location of the channel id in the key (SF_SEP), to be replaced by new channel id [zoom]) | | | **TO DO:** | | Create general funcionts to create and read key. """ meta_split = meta.split(SF_SEP) new_meta = SF_SEP.join(meta_split[0:INDEX_KEY_CHANNEL])+SF_SEP+str(new_band_id)+\ FIELD_SEP+meta_split[INDEX_KEY_CHANNEL:][0].split(FIELD_SEP)[1] return(new_meta)
[docs]def process_zoom_band(inout_folder,file_in,file_out,correlation_ini_file="correlation.ini",media_ini_file="media.ini",\ stations_ini_file="stations.ini",v=1,average_channels=-1,filter_acc_periods=[]): """ Generate a new CX file with the zoom bands from an existing CX file with results for the full band. Parameters ---------- inout_folder : str path to folder containing CX file, and where newly created CX_zoom file will be placed. file_in : str CX filename. file_out : str filename for new CX file with zoom bands results. correlation_ini_file : str path to correlation.ini. media_ini_file : str path to media.ini. correlation_ini_file : str path to correlation.ini. stations_ini_file : str path to stations.ini. v : int verbose if 1. average_channels : int number of coefficients to average (-1 for no averaging). filter_acc_periods : list of int ids (starting at 0) for accumulation periods to process. Will process all if []. Returns ------- fft_read : int number of coefficients in the last visibilities read from the file. Notes ----- | | **Assumptions:** | | Assuming a regular configuration where all the stations have the same zoom bands (i.e.: missmatched bands not suppported). | | | **TO DO:** | | Migrate this functionality into so that missmatched band support can be provided. | "px" harcoded, move to const_mapred. """ file_in = inout_folder+file_in file_out = inout_folder+file_out media_ini_file= inout_folder+media_ini_file correlation_ini_file=inout_folder+correlation_ini_file stations_ini_file= inout_folder+stations_ini_file serial_media=serialize_config(sources_file=media_ini_file) serial_corr=serialize_config(sources_file=correlation_ini_file) params_array_corr=serial_params_to_array(serial_corr) params_array_media=serial_params_to_array(serial_media) fft_size = int(get_param_serial(params_array_corr,C_INI_CR_S_COMP,C_INI_CR_FFT)) print("Processing metadata for zoom bands...") zoom_list = get_zoom_list(params_array_media,params_array_corr,average_channels=average_channels) print("Processing zoom bands...") fft_read=0 with open(file_in, 'r') as f: with open(file_out,'w') as f_out: if v==1: print("id".ljust(30)+"read".rjust(10)+"fft".rjust(10)+"z_i".rjust(10)+"z_e".rjust(10)) lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if "px" in line[:2]: [meta,st0,st1,key,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,n_bins,\ pcal_freq,chan_index,acc_period,fs,predata,datac] = read_line_cx(line,fft_size) if datac is not None: if (filter_acc_periods==[] or (vis in filter_acc_periods)): for i_zoom in zoom_list: if i_zoom[0]==chan: # Update header metadata new_meta = replace_channel_in_key(meta,i_zoom[3]) # Apply zoom for this channel datazoom = datac[i_zoom[1]:i_zoom[2]] if v==1: if ENABLE_PLOTTING: zerodata=np.zeros(datac.shape) zerodata[i_zoom[1]:i_zoom[2]]=datac[i_zoom[1]:i_zoom[2]] plt.figure(i_zoom[0]) plt.plot(zerodata,label=meta+" ("+str(i_zoom[2]-i_zoom[1])+")") if average_channels>0: dzavg=datazoom.reshape(-1,average_channels) datazoom=np.average(dzavg,axis=1) new_line = new_meta+"\t"+predata+" "+' '.join(map(str,datazoom)) # TO DO: add space after \t? if v==1: print(str(new_meta).ljust(30)+str(len(datac)).rjust(10)+str(len(datazoom)).rjust(10)+str(i_zoom[1]).rjust(10)+str(i_zoom[2]).rjust(10)) print(new_line,file=f_out) fft_read=len(datac) else: print("Skipping visibilities, not enough coefficients (st"+str(st0)+"-st"+str(st1)+",a"+str(vis)+",b"+str(chan)+")") if ENABLE_PLOTTING: plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(2, 1)) print(fft_read)
########################################### # Conversion CorrelX/CX -> DiFX/SWIN ###########################################
[docs]def get_difx_filename(mjd_start,seconds_start): """ Get filename for SWIN file. Notes ----- | | **TO DO:** | | Add missing funcionality for filling DIFX_FILENAME_SUFFIX. """ return(DIFX_FILENAME_PREFIX+DIFX_FILENAME_SEP+str( mjd_start)+\ DIFX_FILENAME_SEP+str(int(seconds_start))+\ DIFX_FILENAME_SUFFIX)
[docs]def convert_cx2d(doutput_file,cxoutput_file,correlation_ini_file,media_ini_file,forced_pol_list=[],only_half=0,\ duplicate=0,freq_ids=[],v=1,back_compat=1,forced_accumulation_period=-1,divide_vis_by=1,\ conjugate_vis_values=0): """ Convert visibilities from an output file from CorrelX/CX to DiFX/SWIN format. Parameters ---------- doutput_file : str output file name (will append DIFX_...) for new SWIN file. cxoutput_file : str path to CX file to be converted correlation_ini_file : str path to correlation.ini. media_ini_file : str path to media.ini. forced_pol_list : list of str, optional used to override polarizations in ini file. only_half : optional see create_bytes_list_visibilities_swin(). duplicate : optional see create_bytes_list_visibilities_swin(). freq_ids : unused [remove] v : int, optional verbose if 1. back_compat : int [remove] see notes. forced_accumulation_period : int, optional see create_bytes_list_visibilities_swin(). divide_vis_by : int see create_bytes_list_visibilities_swin(). conjugate_vis_values : int see create_bytes_list_visibilities_swin(). Returns ------- doutput_file : str path to newly created SwIN output file. Notes ----- | CX accumulation periods referenced by start time, SWIN by middle time. | It is assumed that all the polarizations [0,1,2,...] (as many as used) are defined in the media.ini file. | | **(!) Limitations:** | | See limitations on top of this file (forced values...). | | | **TO DO:** | | Remove freq_ids. | Remove back_compat and add version for CX file header instead. """ # Read ini files serial_media= serialize_config(sources_file=media_ini_file) serial_correlation= serialize_config(sources_file=correlation_ini_file) params_array_media= serial_params_to_array(serial_media) params_array_correlation= serial_params_to_array(serial_correlation) # Polarizations pol_chars= get_all_params_serial(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_S_POLARIZATIONS) values=[] for i in pol_chars: values+= [int( get_val_vector(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_S_POLARIZATIONS,i)[0])] if v==1: print(values) print(pol_chars) values, pol_chars = zip(*sorted(zip(values, pol_chars))) pol_chars=list(pol_chars) if forced_pol_list!=[]: pol_chars=forced_pol_list # MJD and seconds mjd_start = int(get_val_vector(params_array_correlation,C_INI_CR_S_TIMES,C_INI_CR_MJD)[0]) seconds_start = float(get_val_vector(params_array_correlation,C_INI_CR_S_TIMES,C_INI_CR_START)[0]) #fft_size = int(get_val_vector(params_array_correlation,C_INI_CR_S_COMP,C_INI_CR_FFT)[0]) # Accumulation period if forced_accumulation_period==-1: accumulation_period_str = (get_val_vector(params_array_correlation,C_INI_CR_S_COMP,C_INI_CR_ACC)[0]) if "/" in accumulation_period_str: accumulation_period_split = accumulation_period_str.split("/") accumulation_period = float(accumulation_period_split[0])/int(accumulation_period_split[1]) else: accumulation_period=float(accumulation_period_str) else: accumulation_period=forced_accumulation_period # Start time offset (half accumulation period) seconds_offset = float(accumulation_period)/2 seconds_start += float(seconds_offset) # Output file name doutput_file+=get_difx_filename(mjd_start,seconds_start) if v==1: print("MJD: "+str(mjd_start)) print("Seconds start [s]: "+str(seconds_start)) print("Accumulation [s]: "+str(accumulation_period)) print("Opening " + doutput_file + " for writing binary swin info") # Read CX file list_output = read_cxoutput(cxoutput_file,v,back_compat) output_list = [] print("ac_id".ljust(5)+"ac_s".rjust(10)+"ap".rjust(7)+"chan".rjust(7)+" "+"pol") # Create headers, pack data and sort results for dataset in list_output: [st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,datac,diff_st] = dataset if v==1: print("Writing data for IDs:") print([st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1]) # Create header header = create_header_swin(st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,mjd_start,seconds_start,\ accumulation_period,pol_chars) # Crate data values_bytes = create_bytes_list_visibilities_swin(datac,only_half,duplicate,divide_vis_by,conjugate_vis_values) # Append output list output_list.append([st0,st1,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,header,values_bytes,diff_st]) # Sort SWIN records output_list = sort_swin_records(output_list) # Write SWIN file with open(doutput_file,'wb') as f_out: for output_item in output_list: f_out.write(output_item[6]) # Write header f_out.write(output_item[7]) # Write visibilities # Display output file name if v==1: print(doutput_file) return(doutput_file)
########################################### # Conversion CorrelX/CX -> DiFX/PCAL ###########################################
[docs]def get_pcal_filename(mjd_start_str,seconds_start,station_name_str): """ Get filename for PCAL file. """ seconds_start_fill = str(int(seconds_start//1)).zfill(PCAL_FILENAME_SECONDS_ZFILL) return(PCAL_FILENAME_PREFIX+PCAL_FILENAME_SEP+mjd_start_str+\ PCAL_FILENAME_SEP+seconds_start_fill+\ PCAL_FILENAME_SEP+station_name_str)
[docs]def get_lines_pcal_header(mjd_start_str,seconds_start_str,stations_name_str): """ Get header lines for PCAL file. Parameters ---------- mjd_start_str : str start MJD for this accumulation period. seconds_start_str: str start seconds for this accumulation period. station_name_str : str name of the station. Returns ------- header_pcal_v : list of str lines for the PCAL file header. """ header_pcal_v=[] header_pcal_v.append(PCAL_HEADER_TITLE) header_pcal_v.append(PCAL_HEADER_VERSION+str(PCAL_HEADER_VERSION_VAL)) header_pcal_v.append(PCAL_HEADER_MJD+ mjd_start_str) header_pcal_v.append(PCAL_HEADER_SECONDS+ seconds_start_str) header_pcal_v.append(PCAL_HEADER_TELESCOPE+ stations_name_str) return(header_pcal_v)
[docs]def get_pcal_meta(mjd_start_str,seconds_start,acc_period,seconds_duration,station_name,st0,tot_channels,num_tones_pcal): """ Create metadata for PCAL record. Parameters ---------- mjd_start_str : str start MJD for the scan. seconds_start : float start seconds for the scan. acc_period : int accumulation period id. seconds_duration : float accumulation period duration station_name : two char station name. st0 : int station id. tot_channels : int number of channels or bands. num_tones_pcal : int number of phase calibration tones per band. Returns ------- meta_pcal : str metadata preceding the records for one accumulation period. Notes ----- | | **TO DO:** | | Check offset +seconds_duration/2. | st0 should be datastream id? """ seconds_duration_frac = seconds_duration/(24*60*60) seconds_duration_str = PCAL_SECONDS_FLOAT_FORMAT % seconds_duration_frac seconds_start_frac = (seconds_start+acc_period*seconds_duration+seconds_duration/2)/(24*60*60) seconds_start_str = PCAL_SECONDS_FLOAT_FORMAT % seconds_start_frac timestamp_str = mjd_start_str+seconds_start_str[1:] meta_pcal = station_name +" " # 1. andId meta_pcal += timestamp_str +" " # 2. day meta_pcal += seconds_duration_str +" " # 3. dur meta_pcal += str(st0) +" " # 4. datastreamId meta_pcal += str(tot_channels) +" " # 5. nRecBand meta_pcal += str(num_tones_pcal) +" " # 6. nTone return(meta_pcal)
[docs]def get_pcal_record_valid(pcal_value,tone_freq_mega,pol_char): """ Get record with valid result for phase calibration tone. Parameters ---------- pcal_value : complex phase calibration tone. tone_freq_mega: int or float pcal tone freq [MHz]. pol_char : char polarization. """ add_space_0 ="" if np.real(pcal_value)>0: add_space_0 = " " add_space_1 = "" if np.imag(pcal_value)>0: add_space_1 = " " record = str(tone_freq_mega)+" "+pol_char+" "+add_space_0+\ str(PCAL_TONE_SCI_FORMAT % float(np.real(pcal_value)))+" "+add_space_1+\ str(PCAL_TONE_SCI_FORMAT % float(np.imag(pcal_value))) return(record)
[docs]def append_pcal_records(records,chan_freq_out_mega,pcal_freq_out_mega,pcal_ind,datac,n_bins,pol_char,\ conjugate_pcal_values,pcal_scaling): """ Append a set of new phase calibration tone records for this band. Record is the "group of four numbers" in [Br14]. Parameters ---------- records : list of str records (previously generated for other bands for the same accumulation period. chan_freq_out_mod_mega : int or float frequency of the first phase calibration tone in this band[Mhz]. pcal_freq_out_mega : int or float phase calibration tone frequency separation [Mhz]. pcal_ind : list of ints positions with phase calibration indices. datac : complex 1D numpy array phase calibration results (DFT). n_bins : int number of bins in the phase calibration DFT. pol_char : char polarization. conjugate_pcal_values : int conjugate all valid results if 1. pcal_scaling : float multiply all valid results by this value. Returns ------- records : list of str appended list of str including (the new elements are the records for this band). Notes ----- | | **TO DO:** | | Check if N == n_bins and simplify code. | Add offset from configuration. """ # Iterate through indices for phase calibration tones pcal_diff=pcal_freq_out_mega for pcal_index in pcal_ind: pcal_diff-=pcal_freq_out_mega chan_freq_out_mod_mega = chan_freq_out_mega + pcal_diff if (pcal_index<(-1)*n_bins)or(pcal_index>n_bins): # Invalid tone record = PCAL_INVALID_RECORD_STR else: # Valid tone pcal_value = datac[pcal_index] if conjugate_pcal_values: pcal_value = np.conj(pcal_value) if pcal_scaling!=0: pcal_value *= pcal_scaling record = get_pcal_record_valid(pcal_value,chan_freq_out_mod_mega,pol_char) records.append(record) return(records)
[docs]def get_pcal_line(meta_pcal,records): """ Get a line for the PCAL file. Parameters ---------- meta_pcal : str metadata. records : list of str records. """ return(meta_pcal+' '.join(records))
[docs]def write_pcal_file(pcal_file,mjd_start_str,seconds_start,station_name_str,records_v): """ Write PCAL file. Parameters ---------- pcal_file : str path to pcal file. mjd_start_str : str start MJD. seconds_start : str start seconds. station_name_str : two char. Two-character code for the station. records_v : list of str lines with pcal records. """ seconds_start_str = str(int(seconds_start)) with open(pcal_file,'w') as f_out: # Write PCAL header header_pcal_v=get_lines_pcal_header(mjd_start_str,seconds_start_str,station_name_str) for header_pcal_line in header_pcal_v: print(header_pcal_line,file=f_out) for record_line in records_v: print(record_line,file=f_out)
[docs]def get_pcal_tone_positions(N,bw,chan_freq,pcal_freq,num_tones_pcal): """ Get positions of the phase calibration tones in the results. Parameters ---------- N : int number of coefficients in the results (DFT of accumulated windows). bw : int or float bandwidth of the channel [Hz]. chan_freq : int or float lower edge frequency of the channel [Hz]. pcal_freq : int or float phase calibration tone frequency. num_tones_pcal: number of phase calibration tones expected for this band. Returns ------- pcal_ind_mod : list of int position for the coeffients containing the phase calibration tones. extreme_value : int value used to indicate invalid index. """ # TO DO: spec_res. LSB hardcoded... # if LSB: lsb_band=1 chan_freq_mod=chan_freq if lsb_band: chan_freq_mod-=bw spec_res=bw/N freq_base=int((chan_freq_mod//pcal_freq)*pcal_freq) first_tone = int((freq_base-chan_freq_mod)//spec_res) total_tones= int(bw//pcal_freq) pcal_sep = int(pcal_freq*(N/bw)) if first_tone<0: first_tone+=pcal_sep pcal_ind_mod = list(range(first_tone,pcal_sep*(total_tones+1),pcal_sep)) #in case index greater than fft size extreme_value=-100*N for i_extreme in [0,-1]: if pcal_ind_mod[i_extreme]>N: pcal_ind_mod[i_extreme]=extreme_value if len(pcal_ind_mod)<num_tones_pcal: pcal_ind_mod = [extreme_value]+pcal_ind_mod pcal_ind_mod=list(reversed(sorted(pcal_ind_mod))) return([pcal_ind_mod,extreme_value])
[docs]def plot_pcal_tones(datac,pcal_ind,extreme_value): """ Plot phase calibration tones in red, overlaying the DFT with all results. Use for debugging. Parameters ---------- datac : numpy array of complex DFT with pcal results. pcal_ind : list of int positions of the phase calibration tones. extreme_value : int value used to indicate invalid index. """ pcal_ind_plot=[0]*len(pcal_ind) pcal_ind_plot[:]=pcal_ind if extreme_value in pcal_ind_plot: pcal_ind_plot.remove(extreme_value) zerodata=np.zeros(datac.shape) zerodata[pcal_ind_plot]=np.abs(datac[pcal_ind_plot]) plt.figure() plt.plot(np.abs(datac)) plt.plot(zerodata,'r')
[docs]def cxpcal2d(doutput_folder,cxoutput_file,correlation_ini_file,media_ini_file,stations_ini_file,\ forced_file_list=[],pcal_scaling=0,conjugate_pcal_values=0,v=1): """ Generate phase calibration tone files ("pulse cal data files") DiFX/SWIN from CorrelX/CX. Parameters ---------- doutput_folder : str path to place new PCAL files. cxoutput_file : str path to CX file to read. correlation_ini_file : str path to correlation.ini. media_ini_file : str path to media.ini. stations_ini_file : str path to stations.ini. forced_file_list : optional,[testing] consider only these media files (consider all if []). pcal_scaling : float, optional if not 0, multiply all phase calibration tones by this value. conjugate_pcal_values : optional,[testing] conjugate phase calibration tone values. v : int verbose if 1. Returns ------- name_file_list : list of str names of the newly created PCAL files (no path). Notes ----- | | **TO DO:** | | (!) This function needs to be simplified. | Assuming that number of channels and polarizations equals the max id plus one. | Phase calibration line string currently hardcoded (pc). | Untested for real data. | fs=2fs, check this, consider reading one frame of the media to determine if complex/real data. | LSB/USB. | Offset for pcal. """ name_file_list=[] cxoutput_file_report = cxoutput_file+"_pcal_report.txt" # report filename num_plots=3 # Read ini files serial_correlation= serialize_config(sources_file=correlation_ini_file) serial_stations= serialize_config(sources_file=stations_ini_file) serial_media= serialize_config(sources_file=media_ini_file) params_array_correlation= serial_params_to_array(serial_correlation) params_array_stations= np.array(serial_params_to_array(serial_stations)) # TO DO: np.array? params_array_media= serial_params_to_array(serial_media) # Process ini files - correlation.ini mjd_start_str = get_val_vector(params_array_correlation,C_INI_CR_S_TIMES,C_INI_CR_MJD)[0] seconds_start = float( get_val_vector(params_array_correlation,C_INI_CR_S_TIMES,C_INI_CR_START)[0]) seconds_duration = float(get_val_vector(params_array_correlation,C_INI_CR_S_COMP, C_INI_CR_ACC)[0]) # Process ini files - stations.ini stations_v = list([i.upper() for i in params_array_stations[:,0].flatten().tolist()]) if v==1: print(stations_v) # Process ini files - media.ini pol_chars= get_all_params_serial(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_S_POLARIZATIONS) channel_str_v = get_all_params_serial(params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_FREQUENCIES) file_list= get_val_vector( params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_S_FILES,C_INI_MEDIA_LIST) if forced_file_list==[]: forced_file_list=file_list eq_channels=[] eq_polarizations=[] for i in forced_file_list: eq_channels.append( get_param_eq_vector( params_array_media,i,C_INI_MEDIA_S_CHANNELS)) eq_polarizations.append(get_param_eq_vector( params_array_media,i,C_INI_MEDIA_S_POLARIZATIONS)) # TO DO: simplify this? # Get list of channels and sort by id f_id_v = [] f_val_v = [] for channel_str in channel_str_v: f_id_v.append( int(get_param_serial( params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_S_CHANNELS,channel_str))) f_val_v.append( float(get_param_serial( params_array_media,C_INI_MEDIA_FREQUENCIES,channel_str))) f_id_v, f_val_v = zip(*sorted(zip(f_id_v, f_val_v))) f_id_v = list(f_id_v) # List of frequency ids f_val_v = list(f_val_v) # List of frequency values if v==1: print(f_val_v) # f_val_v has list of frequencies that can be accessed by channel id list_output=[] max_chan = -1 max_pol = -1 # Read pcal results from CX file check_pc=0 with open(cxoutput_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if "pc" in line[:2]: # Process only lines for phase calibration # One line per station and accumulation period # TO DO: str pc HARDCODED, create constant in check_pc=1 [meta,st0,st1,key,vis,chan,pol0,pol1,n_bins,\ pcal_freq,chan_index,acc_period,fs,predata,datac] = read_line_cx(line) # (!) chan_index has to follow the same order as defined in the media file! no re-sorting! # TO DO: hardcoded! # This is only for complex data! fs=2*fs # Find proper ids for channel and polarization (from the metadata associated to the media file) [search_chan,search_pol]=[chan,pol0] global_index_chan=-1 count_position=-1 for i,j in zip(eq_channels[st0],eq_polarizations[st0]): count_position+=1 if [search_chan,search_pol]==[i,j]: global_index_chan=count_position break list_output+=[[st0,acc_period,global_index_chan,chan_index,meta,chan,pol0,n_bins,pcal_freq,fs,datac]] # TO DO: for channels and polarization ids expecting total = max(id)+1 if chan>max_chan: max_chan=chan if pol0>max_pol: max_pol=pol0 # Process pcal results if check_pc==0: print("No phase calibration results found.") else: tot_channels = max_chan+1 tot_pols = max_pol+1 tot_channels = tot_channels*tot_pols # Sort by station, accumulation period and band list_output = sorted(list_output, key=operator.itemgetter(0,1,2)) #(0,1,2)) #4,5)) records = [] records_v=[] first_element = 1 st0_pre=-1 acc_period_pre=-1 with open(cxoutput_file_report, 'w') as f_report_pcal: # phase calibration report used for debugging for list_item in list_output: [st0,acc_period,global_index_chan,chan_index,meta,chan,pol0,n_bins,pcal_freq,fs,datac] = list_item # Number of pcal tones num_tones_pcal = int(np.ceil(fs/(2*pcal_freq))) if ((first_element==0)and((st0_pre!=st0)or(acc_period_pre!=acc_period))): # If not first iteration and new station / acc period: # -prepare file headers for previous results # -write previous results # -reset structures for new results records_v += [get_pcal_line(meta_pcal,records)] if (st0_pre!=st0): # If new station, print previous results to file name_file = get_pcal_filename(mjd_start_str,seconds_start,stations_v[st0_pre]) write_pcal_file(doutput_folder+"/"+name_file,mjd_start_str,seconds_start,\ stations_v[st0_pre],records_v) name_file_list+=[name_file] records_v=[] records = [] if ((st0_pre!=st0)or(acc_period_pre!=acc_period)): # If new station / acc period, prepare metadata for records meta_pcal = get_pcal_meta(mjd_start_str,seconds_start,acc_period,seconds_duration,\ stations_v[st0],st0,tot_channels,num_tones_pcal) first_element=0 st0_pre = st0 acc_period_pre = acc_period if v==1: print(meta) print(" Sts.: "+str(st0)+","+str(st1)) print(" Vis.: "+str(vis)) print(" Chan.: "+str(chan)) print(" Pols.: "+str(pol0)+","+str(pol1)) chan_freq = f_val_v[chan] chan_freq_out_mega = int(chan_freq//1e6) pcal_freq_out_mega = int(pcal_freq//1e6) chan_freq_out_mega = (chan_freq_out_mega//pcal_freq_out_mega)*pcal_freq_out_mega if v==1: print(chan_freq) # Compute locations of pcal tones N =len(datac) bw = fs/2 [pcal_ind_mod,extreme_value] = get_pcal_tone_positions(N,bw,chan_freq,pcal_freq,num_tones_pcal) pcal_ind = pcal_ind_mod print(str(st0)+" "+ str(acc_period) + " " +str(chan)+" " +str(chan_freq)+" " +str(chan_freq_out_mega)+\ " "+pol_chars[pol0]+" "+ str(pcal_ind_mod),file = f_report_pcal ) if ENABLE_PLOTTING and num_plots>0: plot_pcal_tones(datac,pcal_ind,extreme_value) num_plots-=1 records = append_pcal_records(records,chan_freq_out_mega,pcal_freq_out_mega,pcal_ind,datac,\ n_bins,pol_chars[pol0],conjugate_pcal_values,pcal_scaling) # Last write records_v += [get_pcal_line(meta_pcal,records)] # Print to file name_file = get_pcal_filename(mjd_start_str,seconds_start,stations_v[st0_pre]) write_pcal_file(doutput_folder+"/"+name_file,mjd_start_str,seconds_start,stations_v[st0_pre],records_v) name_file_list+=[name_file] return(name_file_list)
########################################### # Conversion CorrelX/CX -> DiFX/SWIN+PCAL ###########################################
[docs]def convert_cx2dpc(inout_folder,file_in,file_out,correlation_ini_file,media_ini_file,stations_ini_file,v=0,\ only_half=0,duplicate=0,freq_ids=[],back_compat=1,forced_accumulation_period=-1,divide_vis_by=1,\ forced_file_list=[],pcal_scaling=0,conjugate_pcal_values=0,conjugate_vis_values=0): """ Main routine to convert CorrelX/CX into DiFX/SWIN+PCAL. Parameters ---------- inout_folder : str path to folder containing CX file, and where newly created SWIN+PCAL files will be placed. file_in : str CX filename. file_out : str filename for new SwIN file. correlation_ini_file : str path to correlation.ini associated with CX file. media_ini_file : str path to media.ini associated with CX file. stations_ini_file: path to stations.ini associated with CX file. See convert_cx2d() for the rest of the arguments. Returns ------- pcal_file_list : list of str filenames for new PCAL files (None if error). """ # Check errors in .ini files fp_v=[media_ini_file,correlation_ini_file] fn_v=["Media","Correlation"] error_files=0 for (fp,fn) in zip(fp_v,fn_v): if not os.path.isfile(media_ini_file): print("ERROR: "+fn+" file "+fp+" does not exist!") error_files=1 if error_files==0: # Convert cx output to dx convert_cx2d(inout_folder+file_out,inout_folder+file_in,correlation_ini_file,media_ini_file,forced_pol_list=[],\ only_half=only_half,duplicate=duplicate,freq_ids=freq_ids,v=v,back_compat=back_compat,\ forced_accumulation_period=forced_accumulation_period,divide_vis_by=divide_vis_by,\ conjugate_vis_values=conjugate_vis_values) # Convert cx output phase cal pcal_file_list=cxpcal2d(inout_folder,inout_folder+file_in,correlation_ini_file,media_ini_file,stations_ini_file,\ forced_file_list,pcal_scaling,conjugate_pcal_values,v=v) else: pcal_file_list=None return(pcal_file_list)
################################################################# # DiFX/.im,.input parser tools #################################################################
[docs]def get_field_im(line): """ Get the value+units from a line of DiFX configuration file. """ return(line.strip().split(C_DIFX_SEPARATOR)[1])
[docs]def get_value_im(line): """ Get the value (no units) from a line of DiFX configuration file. """ return(get_field_im(line).split()[0])
[docs]def get_vector_im(line): """ Get a list of str with polynomial coefficients from line in .im file. """ return([ii.strip() for ii in get_field_im(line).split()])
[docs]def get_src_ant_im(line): """ Get two str, one with source id and another with station id from the line in .im file. """ param_im_v = line.strip().split(C_DIFX_SEPARATOR)[0].split() src=param_im_v[1] ant=param_im_v[3] return([src,ant])
[docs]def get_header_dm(mjd,seconds,interval,src,ant): """ Create header for delay_model.ini. TO DO: consider moving into """ end_seconds=str(int(seconds)+int(interval)) return(INI_HF+mjd+"-"+seconds+"-"+end_seconds+INI_SUB+"so"+src+INI_SUB+"st"+ant+INI_HL)
[docs]def sort_str_list(list_in): """ Return sorted set of elements of a list. """ return(list(map(str,sorted(list(map(int,list(set(list_in))))))))
[docs]def get_id_param(line,num): """ Get the id that is in the parameter, in the position num. """ return(line.strip().split(C_DIFX_SEPARATOR)[0].split()[num])
[docs]def get_coeff(line): """ Process station clock information from .input file. """ value = get_value_im(line) st = line.strip().split(C_DIFX_SEPARATOR)[0].split()[2].split('/')[0] order = line.strip().split(C_DIFX_SEPARATOR)[0].split()[2].split('/')[1] return([st,order,value])
[docs]def get_last_num(line): """ Get the id that is in the parameter, in the last position. """ last_num = line.strip().split(C_DIFX_SEPARATOR)[0].split()[-1] return(last_num)
[docs]def write_lines_to_f(lines_out,full_output_file,str_info="results"): """ Write a list of strings into a file, one per line, and report. """ print(" Writing "+str_info+" to "+full_output_file+" ...") with open(full_output_file, 'w') as f_out: for ii in lines_out: print(ii,file=f_out)
################################################################# # Conversion DiFX/.im -> CorrelX/delay_model+sources #################################################################
[docs]def im_to_delay_model(inout_folder,file_in,file_out,filter_sources=[],v=0): """ Convert DiFX/.im into CorrelX/delay_model.ini. Parameters ---------- inout_folder : str path to folder containing .im file, and where newly created delay_model.ini file will be placed. file_in : str .im filename. file_out: str delay_model.ini filename. filter_sources: list of str source names. If not [], information for sources that are not in this list will be dismissed. v : int verbose if 1. Returns ------- None """ DELAY_FIRST = C_INI_MODEL_DELAY+INI_SEP DRY_FIRST = C_INI_MODEL_DRY+INI_SEP WET_FIRST = C_INI_MODEL_WET+INI_SEP lines_out=[] header_list=[] skip_data=0 not_first=0 list_mjd=[] list_seconds=[] list_so=[] list_st=[] full_input_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_in full_output_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out summary_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out+"_report" if filter_sources!=[]: print(" Filtering sources: "+','.join(list(map(str,set(filter_sources))))) print(" Processing "+full_input_file+" ...") # ### --- Process .im and prepare delay_model.ini --- with open(full_input_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if C_DIFX_IM_INTERVAL_SECS in line: # Interval for the polynomial interval=get_value_im(line) if v==1: print(line) print(interval) elif C_DIFX_IM_SCAN in line and\ C_DIFX_IM_POLY in line and\ C_DIFX_IM_MJD in line: mjd=get_value_im(line) # Start MJD for the polynomial list_mjd.append(mjd) if v==1: print(line) print(mjd) elif C_DIFX_IM_SCAN in line and\ C_DIFX_IM_POLY in line and\ C_DIFX_IM_SEC in line: seconds=get_value_im(line) # Start seconds for the polynomial list_seconds.append(seconds) if v==1: print(line) print(seconds) elif C_DIFX_IM_DELAY_US in line: # Total delay polynomial poly_read = get_vector_im(line) poly_str=INI_VEC.join(poly_read) #: [src,ant] = get_src_ant_im(line) if filter_sources==[] or (filter_sources!=[] and int(src) in filter_sources): skip_data=0 list_so.append(src) list_st.append(ant) header_dm = get_header_dm(mjd,seconds,interval,src,ant) if header_dm not in header_list: if not_first: lines_out.append("") not_first=1 header_list.append(header_dm) lines_out.append(header_dm) lines_out.append(DELAY_FIRST+poly_str) if v==1: print(line) print(poly_read) print(poly_str) print(header_dm) else: skip_data=1 elif C_DIFX_IM_DRY_US in line: # Dry component delay polynomial if skip_data==0: poly_read = get_vector_im(line) poly_str=INI_VEC.join(poly_read) #: lines_out.append(DRY_FIRST+poly_str) elif C_DIFX_IM_WET_US in line: # Wet component delay polynomial if skip_data==0: poly_read = get_vector_im(line) poly_str=INI_VEC.join(poly_read) #: lines_out.append(WET_FIRST+poly_str) if v==1: print(" ") print(" ") for ii in lines_out: print(ii) summary_lines=[] summary_lines.append("Summary:") summary_lines.append(" Input: "+full_input_file) summary_lines.append(" Sources: "+', '.join(list(set(list_so)))) summary_lines.append(" Stations: "+', '.join(list(set(list_st)))) summary_lines.append(" Interval: "+interval) summary_lines.append(" MJDs: "+', '.join(list(set(list_mjd)))) summary_lines.append(" seconds: "+', '.join(sort_str_list(list_seconds))) if v==1: for ii in summary_lines: print(ii) write_lines_to_f(lines_out,full_output_file) write_lines_to_f(summary_lines,summary_file,"summary") if v==1: print("Done.")
[docs]def im_to_sources(inout_folder,file_in,file_out,v=0): """ Convert DiFX/.im into CorrelX/sources.ini. Parameters ---------- inout_folder : str path to folder containing .im file, and where newly created sources.ini file will be placed. file_in : str .im filename. file_out : str sources.ini filename. v : int verbose if 1. Returns ------- None """ SRC_ID_PARAM = 1 full_input_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_in full_output_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out summary_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out+"_report" lines_out=[] print(" Processing "+full_input_file+" ...") # ### --- Process .im and prepare sources.ini --- with open(full_input_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if C_DIFX_IM_POINTING_SRC in line: # Source src_id = get_id_param(line,SRC_ID_PARAM) src_name = get_value_im(line) lines_out.append(INI_HF+str(src_name)+INI_HL) lines_out.append(C_INI_SRC_ID+INI_SEP+src_id) write_lines_to_f(lines_out,full_output_file) if v==1: print("File contents:") for ii in lines_out: print(" "+ii) print("Done.")
################################################################# # Conversion DiFX/.input -> CorrelX/stations+correlation+media #################################################################
[docs]def input_to_stations(inout_folder,file_in,file_out,forced_stations=[],v=0): """ Convert DiFX/.input into CorrelX/stations.ini. Parameters ---------- inout_folder : str path to folder containing .input file, and where newly created stations.ini file will be placed. file_in : str .input filename. file_out : str stations.ini filename. forced_files : list of str,optional list of str with station names (for overriding values from .input). v : int verbose if 1. Returns ------- None """ clock_line = "" lines_out=[] not_first=0 full_input_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_in full_output_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out summary_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out+"_report" if forced_stations!=[]: print(" Forcing station names: "+','.join(list(map(str,set(forced_stations))))) print(" Processing "+full_input_file+" ...") # ### --- Process .input and prepare stations.ini --- with open(full_input_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if C_DIFX_INPUT_TELESCOPE_NAME in line: # Station name st_id = get_last_num(line) st_name = get_value_im(line) if forced_stations!=[]: st_name=forced_stations[int(st_id)] if not_first: lines_out.append("") lines_out.append(INI_HF+st_name+INI_HL) lines_out.append(C_INI_ST_ID+INI_SEP+st_id) not_first=1 elif C_DIFX_INPUT_CLOCK_REF_MJD in line: # Station clock epoch clock_ref = get_value_im(line) lines_out.append(C_INI_ST_CLOCK_REF+INI_SEP+clock_ref) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_CLOCK_COEFF in line: # Station clock polynomial [st,order,value]=get_coeff(line) if order=="0": value0=value else: clock_line = C_INI_ST_CLOCK_POLY+INI_SEP+value0+INI_VEC+value lines_out.append(clock_line) write_lines_to_f(lines_out,full_output_file) if v==1: print("File contents:") for ii in lines_out: print(" "+ii) print("Done.")
[docs]def input_to_correlation(inout_folder,file_in,file_out,v=0): """ Convert DiFX/.input into CorrelX/correlation.ini. Parameters ---------- inout_folder : str path to folder containing .input file, and where newly created correlation.ini file will be placed. file_in : str .input filename. file_out : str correlation.ini filename. v : int verbose if 1. Returns ------- None Notes ----- | | **Assumptions:** | | Assuming one data stream per station for computing the number of stations. """ full_input_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_in full_output_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out summary_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out+"_report" lines_out=[] print(" Processing "+full_input_file+" ...") # ### ---- Process .input ---- with open(full_input_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if C_DIFX_INPUT_INT_TIME in line: # Accumulation period int_time = get_value_im(line) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_EXECUTE_TIME in line: # Scan duration duration = get_value_im(line) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_START_MJD in line: # Start MJD mjd = get_value_im(line) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_START_SECONDS in line: # Start seconds start_s = get_value_im(line) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_TELESCOPES in line: # Number of stations stations = get_value_im(line) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_NUM_CHANNELS in line: # Number of coefficients in visibilities fft_size = get_value_im(line) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_PHASE_CALS in line: # Phase calibration pcal_val = get_value_im(line) if pcal_val=="0": pcal="no" else: pcal="yes" # ### ---- Prepare lines correlation.ini ---- lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_CR_S_ELEMENTS+INI_HL) # Elements lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_STATIONS+INI_SEP+stations) lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_AUTO_ST+INI_SEP+"yes") # (!)forced lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_CROSS_POL+INI_SEP+"yes") # (!)forced lines_out.append("") lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_CR_S_COMP+INI_HL) # Computation lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_FFT+INI_SEP+fft_size) lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_ACC+INI_SEP+str(float(int_time))) lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_WINDOW+INI_SEP+C_INI_CR_WINDOW_SQUARE) # (!)forced lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_PC+INI_SEP+pcal) lines_out.append("") lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_CR_S_TIMES+INI_HL) # Times lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_MJD+INI_SEP+mjd) lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_START+INI_SEP+start_s) lines_out.append(C_INI_CR_DURATION+INI_SEP+duration) write_lines_to_f(lines_out,full_output_file) if v==1: print("File contents:") for ii in lines_out: print(" "+ii) print("Done.")
[docs]def create_symb_media(inout_folder,file_input_v,forced_files="",symb_dir=None): """ Create symbolic links for media. This links are also part of the configuration. Parameters ---------- inout_folder : str path to folder containing newly created ini files. file_input_v : list of str paths to media files. forced_files : str comma separated list of paths to media files to override file paths from .input file. If "", then the pahts from the .input file are used. symb_dir : str,optional path relative to inout_folder where links will be created. Returns ------- file_list : list of str filenames to be used in media.ini. files_str : str comma separated list of filenames. """ if forced_files!="": print("(!) Forcing file names: "+forced_files) file_list_paths = forced_files.split(',') if len(file_input_v)!=len(file_list_paths): print("(!) WARNING: number of forced file paths and found paths in .input differ!") if len(file_input_v)>len(file_list_paths): print("(!) WARNING: missing information for the following files:") for i in file_input_v[-1*(len(file_input_v)-len(file_list_paths)):]: print("(!) "+i) else: file_list_paths=file_input_v # only filename, no path file_list=[i.split("/")[-1] for i in file_list_paths] files_str = ','.join(file_list) if symb_dir is None: symb_dir = CX_DEFAULT_MEDIA_DIR dir_link = inout_folder+"/"+symb_dir # Display info and prepare commands print("Creating symbolic links for media in "+dir_link) cmd_unlink_v=[] cmd_link_v=[] print(" "+"Link".ljust(50)+"Source") for (i,j) in zip(file_list,file_list_paths): print(" "+i.ljust(50)+j) new_link = dir_link+"/"+i cmd_unlink = "unlink "+new_link cmd_unlink_v.append(cmd_unlink) cmd_link = "ln -s "+j+" "+dir_link+"/"+i cmd_link_v.append(cmd_link) # Launch commands os.system("mkdir "+dir_link) for (cmd_unlink,cmd_link) in zip(cmd_unlink_v,cmd_link_v): print(cmd_unlink) os.system(cmd_unlink) print(cmd_link) os.system(cmd_link) print("(!) If moving ini folder do: cp -r --preserve=links "+inout_folder+" dir_ini_destination") return([file_list,files_str])
[docs]def input_to_media(inout_folder,file_in,file_out,forced_files="",v=0): """ Convert DiFX/.input into CorrelX/media.ini, create symbolic links for media files and generate report with summary (for reporting/debugging). Parameters ---------- inout_folder : str path to folder containing .input file, and where newly created media.ini file will be placed. file_in : str .input filename. file_out : str media.ini filename. forced_files : str, required list of files to be used in the media files v : int verbose if 1. Returns ------- None Notes ----- | | **Limitations:** | | Currently limited to sets of files with the same configuration (i.e. no missmatched bands). | | | **Assumptions:** | | The function is strongly dependent on the current order of the fields in the .input file. | The zoom bands are expected to appear after the normal bands. | Assuming incremental id starting at 0 in input file. | | | **TO DO:** | | Read forced files from the .input file. """ pol_lr=['L','R'] pol_xy=['X','Y'] full_input_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_in full_output_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out summary_file=inout_folder+"/"+file_out+"_report" first_bw_set = 0 first_bw = 0 lines_out=[] channel_freq_v=[] channel_bw_v=[] sideband_v=[] st_names=[] st_names_ind=[] list_z=[] list_zb=[] zoom_v=[] zoom_flag=0 pol_v=[] lines_ch = [] lines_f = [] lines_bw = [] lines_z = [] lines_zb = [] ch_v=[] bands_v=[] ch_v_v=[] pol_v_v=[] side_v_v=[] ch_v_v=[] f_v_v=[] print(" Processing "+full_input_file+" ...") file_input_v=[] # ### ---- Process .input ---- with open(full_input_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if C_DIFX_INPUT_FREQ in line: # Append group info: sampling freq channel_freq_v.append(float(get_value_im(line))) #*1e6) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_BW in line: # Append group info: bandwidth / zoom channel_bw = float(get_value_im(line)) #*1e6 channel_bw_v.append(channel_bw) if first_bw_set and channel_bw<first_bw: # zoom band zoom_v.append(1) else: zoom_v.append(0) if first_bw_set==0: first_bw+=channel_bw first_bw_set=1 elif C_DIFX_INPUT_SIDEBAND in line: # Append group info: sideband sideband = get_value_im(line) sideband_v.append(sideband) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_TELESCOPE_TABLE in line: # Prepare media lists (all group info) # close vectors n_id=-1 for (ch_f,ch_bw,ch_side,ch_z) in zip(channel_freq_v,channel_bw_v,sideband_v,zoom_v): n_id+=1 str_id=str(n_id) if ch_z==0: last_n_id=n_id lines_ch.append(C_INI_MEDIA_CH+str_id+INI_SEP+str_id) lines_f.append(C_INI_MEDIA_CH+str_id+INI_SEP+str(ch_f)) lines_bw.append(C_INI_MEDIA_CH+str_id+INI_SEP+str(ch_bw)) else: str_id=str(n_id-last_n_id-1) lines_z.append(C_INI_MEDIA_ZF+str_id+INI_SEP+str(ch_f)) lines_zb.append(C_INI_MEDIA_ZB+str_id+INI_SEP+str(ch_bw)) list_z.append(C_INI_MEDIA_ZF+str_id) list_zb.append(C_INI_MEDIA_ZB+str_id) zoom_flag=1 elif C_DIFX_INPUT_TELESCOPE_NAME in line: # Station names station_name = get_value_im(line) st_names.append(station_name) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_TELESCOPE_INDEX in line or C_DIFX_INPUT_BASELINE_TABLE in line: # Group of group info (one per station) # new station, prepare vectors with channels if C_DIFX_INPUT_TELESCOPE_INDEX in line: # Station id for this datastream st_names_ind.append(int(get_value_im(line))) if ch_v!=[]: ch_v_v.append(ch_v) pol_v_v.append(pol_v) side_v_v.append(side_v) f_v_v.append(f_samp) ch_v=[] pol_v=[] side_v=[] bands_v=[] elif C_DIFX_INPUT_DATA_SAMPLING in line: # Adjust sampling freq (complex) data_type=get_value_im(line) # to be used later once first frequency is read #if data_type==C_DIFX_INPUT_COMPLEX: # f_samp=first_bw #else: # f_samp=2*first_bw elif C_DIFX_INPUT_REC_BAND in line and C_DIFX_INPUT_POL in line: # Append group info: polarization pol = get_value_im(line) pol_v.append(pol) if pol in pol_lr: pol_list=pol_lr else: pol_list=pol_xy elif C_DIFX_INPUT_REC_FREQ in line and C_DIFX_INPUT_INDEX in line: # Record freq index (accesed by channel) bands_v.append(get_value_im(line)) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_REC_BAND in line and C_DIFX_INPUT_INDEX in line: # Append group info: channel, sideband id_ch = int(get_value_im(line)) #ch = C_INI_MEDIA_CH+get_value_im(line) ch = C_INI_MEDIA_CH+bands_v[id_ch] ch_v.append(ch) side_v.append(sideband_v[id_ch]) f_samp=channel_bw_v[int(bands_v[id_ch])] if data_type!=C_DIFX_INPUT_COMPLEX: f_samp*=2 elif C_DIFX_INPUT_PHASE_CAL_INT in line: # Phase calibration pcal_val=str(float(get_value_im(line))) #*1e6) elif C_DIFX_INPUT_FILE in line and \ C_DIFX_INPUT_FILES not in line and\ C_DIFX_INPUT_DATA_SOURCE not in line: # Files paths file_input_v.append(get_value_im(line)) # ### ---- Create symbolic links --- [file_list,files_str] = create_symb_media(inout_folder,file_input_v,forced_files) # ### ---- Prepare lines media.ini ---- lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_MEDIA_S_CHANNELS+INI_HL) # List of channels for ii in lines_ch: lines_out.append(ii) lines_out.append("") lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_MEDIA_FREQUENCIES+INI_HL) # List of frequencies for ii in lines_f: lines_out.append(ii+"e6") lines_out.append("") if zoom_flag: lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_MEDIA_BANDWIDTHS+INI_HL) # List of bandwidths for ii in lines_bw: lines_out.append(ii+"e6") lines_out.append("") lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_MEDIA_S_POLARIZATIONS+INI_HL) # List of polarizations jj=-1 for ii in pol_list: jj+=1 lines_out.append(ii+INI_SEP+str(jj)) lines_out.append("") if zoom_flag: # List of zoom bands (if applicable) lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_MEDIA_ZP_FREQ+INI_HL) for ii in lines_z: lines_out.append(ii+"e6") lines_out.append("") lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_MEDIA_ZP_BW+INI_HL) for ii in lines_zb: lines_out.append(ii+"e6") lines_out.append("") lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_MEDIA_ZOOM_POST+INI_HL) lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_ZP_FREQ+INI_SEP+INI_VEC.join(list_z)) lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_ZP_BW+INI_SEP+INI_VEC.join(list_zb)) lines_out.append("") lines_out.append(INI_HF+C_INI_MEDIA_S_FILES+INI_HL) # List of files lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_LIST+INI_SEP+files_str) for (i_file,st_name_ind,ch_v,pol_v,f,side_v) in zip(file_list,st_names_ind,ch_v_v,pol_v_v,f_v_v,side_v_v): st_name=st_names[st_name_ind] lines_out.append("") # Information for all files lines_out.append(INI_HF+i_file+INI_HL) lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_STATION+INI_SEP+st_name) lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_CHANNELS+INI_SEP+INI_VEC.join(ch_v)) lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_S_POLARIZATIONS+INI_SEP+INI_VEC.join(pol_v)) lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_FRAMEBYTES+INI_SEP+"0") # (!) forced lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_FREQ_SAMPLE+INI_SEP+str(f)+"e6") lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_FORMAT+INI_SEP+C_INI_MEDIA_F_VDIF) # (!) forced lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_VERSION+INI_SEP+C_INI_MEDIA_V_CUSTOM) # (!) forced lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_F_PCAL+INI_SEP+pcal_val+"e6") lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_O_PCAL+INI_SEP+"0"+"e6") # (!) forced lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_FREQUENCIES+INI_SEP+INI_VEC.join(ch_v)) lines_out.append(C_INI_MEDIA_SIDEBANDS+INI_SEP+INI_VEC.join(side_v)) write_lines_to_f(lines_out,full_output_file) if v==1: print("File contents:") for ii in lines_out: print(" "+ii) print("Done.")
# <codecell>